
Latest version: v0.38.1

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**New Features**:

- Added add_marker function
- Added save_data function
- Added support for local tile [129](https://github.com/opengeos/leafmap/issues/129)
- Added open raster GUI [129](https://github.com/opengeos/leafmap/issues/129)
- Added zoom to tile [129](https://github.com/opengeos/leafmap/issues/129)


**New Features**:

- Added YouthMappers workshop [notebook](https://leafmap.org/workshops/YouthMappers_2021/)


- Fixed `add_legend` bug
- Changed default `max_zoom` to 24


**New Features**:

- Added search basemaps GUI [93](https://github.com/opengeos/leafmap/issues/93)
- Added get wms layers function
- Made streamlit map width responsive [126](https://github.com/opengeos/leafmap/issues/126)
- Added function read file from url
- Added streamlit download button
- Added SIGSPATIAL workshop notebook


- Fixed layer attribution error [93](https://github.com/opengeos/leafmap/issues/93)
- Fixed open vector bug [124](https://github.com/opengeos/leafmap/discussions/124)
- Improved streamlit support


**New Features**:

- Added support for US Census data with hundreds of WMS layers [123](https://github.com/opengeos/leafmap/issues/123)



- Fixed pydeck import error


**New Features**:

- Added support for pydeck [122](https://github.com/opengeos/leafmap/issues/122)
- Added streamlit support for heremap [118](https://github.com/opengeos/leafmap/issues/118)
- Added create_colormap function


- Added optional postgis port param [144](https://github.com/opengeos/leafmap/pull/114)
- Added STAC time slider example to notebook [177](https://github.com/opengeos/leafmap/pull/117)
- Fixed geojson style callback bug [119](https://github.com/opengeos/leafmap/issues/119)
- Updated foss4g notebook
- Fixed planet imagery bug
- Improved vector to geojson
- Added streamlit app link to docs

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