* Added the new 'undo' command. * Refine some exit code. * Run `legit` without args prints help message.
* Improve Python 3 support. * Support special expression for branch. * Improve completio * Better help message. * Add manpage. * off_branch becomes optional. * Use correct branch for unstaging in switch command. * Fetch and abort if unpublishing branch not found. * Fix remote name config with legit.remote.
* Particial Python 3 support. * Add bash and zsh tab-completion. * Fuzzy branch name matching. * Default behavior to current branch on the command publish. * `git config legit.remote <remote name>` * Fix incorrect stash pop index and stash index with extra data. * Fix synchronization in git stash. * Handle failed smart_merge. * Use correct branch for unstaging in switch command. * Ensure parseability of git stash list output. * Set up a tracking branch on publish. * Handle detached head in legit branches. * Handle repo with no branches or remotes. * Fix exceptions of `get_repo`. * Fixed 'legit install' failed and other issues on Windows * Handle not git error. * Use git to find root directory.
* Fix packaging. * Update doc.
* Configuration System (new ``settings`` command) * New Git Transparency Mode * Black Foreground Option * Disable Colors Option * Update Available Alerts (via GitHub) * New Harvest command * New Install command