This is a major release that brings `lego-certbot` out of beta, and publishes it as a package on PyPI.
* Add Python 3.11 as a supported version
* Change version to `1.0.0` to signify `lego-certbot` coming out of beta
* Instead of doing version-specific behaviour, add the backport `importlib-metadata` as a dependency and always use the new API
* Fix Certbot `DNSAuthenticator` type hints
* Require at least Python 3.8.1 (for `flake8 6.0.0`)
* Set more relaxed `poetry-core` install dependency restrictions
* Update the development utilities (`black`, `isort`, `flake8`, `mypy`) to their latest versions
* Add Python package metadata to Poetry configuration
* Update the documentation to improve wording, and change installation instructions to download from PyPI
* Remove the `metaname` extra package set (these should always be installed by the user)