
Latest version: v0.5.0

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*TW 27/01/22*
- Make dependencies in setup.cfg match requirements.txt!


*TW 23/01/22*
- [Issue [75](https://github.com/TeamLEGWORK/LEGWORK/issues/75)] Fix mixing quantities with floats when plotting
- [Issue [86](https://github.com/TeamLEGWORK/LEGWORK/issues/86)] Clarify how notebooks should be run and update the installation instructions


*KB 18/01/22*
- [Issues [68](https://github.com/TeamLEGWORK/LEGWORK/issues/68), [#84](https://github.com/TeamLEGWORK/LEGWORK/issues/84)] Removes upper bound on version limits for numpy and numba


*TW 11/01/22*
- [Issue [64](https://github.com/TeamLEGWORK/LEGWORK/issues/64)] Remove "auto" option from `interpolate_g` in favour of interpolating by default warning the user if they don't have many samples
- [Issue [76](https://github.com/TeamLEGWORK/LEGWORK/issues/76)] Make it so that `strain.h_0_n` returns as unitless (same as `source.Source.get_h_0_n`). Same for `snr` functions.
- Fixed an issue introduced in 0.2.0 where automated observation times didn't work in `visualisation.plot_sources_on_sc_circ_stat`
- [Issue [78](https://github.com/TeamLEGWORK/LEGWORK/issues/78)] Add a warning for when people are evolving past the merger with `avoid_merger=True`

*KB 13/01/22*
- [Issues [79](https://github.com/TeamLEGWORK/LEGWORK/issues/79), [#80](https://github.com/TeamLEGWORK/LEGWORK/issues/80)] Add discussion of limitiations and scope of legwork snr calculations


*TW 05/01/21*
- A couple of changes to how confusion noise is handled
- End user can now access confusion noise functions directly through `get_confusion_noise`
- Added confusion noise fit from Huang+20 to be used with TianQin
- Added confusion noise fit from Thiele+21 which is based on a WDWD population with a metallicity dependent binary fraction
- TianQin psd function now include the confusion noise
- Change defaults used in `source` and `psd`
- Often defaults for arm length, observation time and confusion noise were previously LISA related, LEGWORK now automatically works out the defaults based on what instrument is chosen
- Bug fix: in `visualisation` avoid mixing floats with Quantities when filling in a sensitivity curve


*TW 05/01/21*
- Link GitHub releases to Zenodo

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