
Latest version: v1.15.0

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- **lcc report**: the command now prints a detailed view of the report, the former output style (ala `lcc run`) is now
used when the `-s/--short` argument is passed
- **lcc run**: the `--save-report` now accepts an argument with a format `every_Ns` where `N` is the time interval at which the report will be saved on disk (example: `lcc run --save-report every_10s`)
- **CLI**: in filtering arguments (when the filter is a based on an existing report), add a `--non-passed` argument
which is the equivalent of `--failed --skipped`
- **lcc top-{suites,tests,steps}**: disabled tests are no longer taken into account (because it makes no sense in commands that deal with test duration)
and `--disabled` and `--enabled` filtering arguments have also been removed accordingly
- **XML report**: fix an exception when an XML report is read while a link without name is present

CLI breaking changes

- **lcc top-{suites,tests,steps}**: as indicated in the previous section, the `--disabled` and `--enabled` filtering
arguments have been removed
- **lcc run**: the `--save-report-at` argument has been renamed into `--save-report` and the existing (as of 0.21.0)
associated values have been prefixed with `at_`


- **API**: add `lcc.depends_on()` decorator which provides dependencies between tests

API breaking changes

- **API**: the checkers API has been removed (whose implementation was lying in the `lemoncheesecake.checkers` module)


- **lcc run**: when `--threads` is used, the Ctrl-C handling has been greatly improved, the tests in-progress are not
stopped, but all the pending tests won't be run
- **lcc run**: fix the suite header line not being properly displayed when the tests are run sequentially
- **lcc run**: add a `--force-disabled` CLI argument to force the execution of disabled tests and suites
- **lcc run**: the report save frequency can now be set through the `--save-report-at` CLI argument
or `$LCC_SAVE_REPORT_AT` env variable
- **lcc run**: show the test full path by default with the console reporting backend
- **API**: fix properties being automatically called when a suite class is loaded
- **API**: add a `hide_command_line_in_report` argument in `SimpleProjectConfiguration` constructor to make it
possible to hide the command line in the resulting report
- **API**, `match_pattern`:
- add `description` and `mention_regexp` argument to make the matcher description customizable
- add `make_pattern_matcher` function to easily create a new matcher function from a given pattern
- **HTML report**: tests in progress are now displayed with a (pseudo) `IN_PROGRESS` status instead of `n/a`
- **console & HTML report**: support multi-line test descriptions, suite descriptions and steps
- Add official support for Python 3.7 and drop official support for Python 3.3


- **API**: fix buggy `all_of` and `any_of` matchers when a single instance is used multiple times on Python 3


- **HTML report**: add a link to make the report raw data downloadable
- **API**: in `match_pattern`, fix handling of non-string values
- **API**: add support for object implementing the `__call__` method as `callback` argument in `lcc.Test`


- **HTML report**: fix the goto-to-test feature through the anchor in the URL (it has been broken since 0.12.0 when
the HTML report has been rewritten using React) + add a smooth scroll effect

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