- Fix LfdFileSequence with tifffile 2022.4.22. - Add fbd2b64 conversion function and script. - Add decoder for 32-bit, 8 windows, 4 channels FLIMbox data from Spartan-6. - Convert docstrings to Google style with Sphinx directives.
- Add type hints. - SimfcsFit.asarray returns dc_ref only; use p_fit for fit params (breaking). - Remove additional positional arguments to LfdFile init (breaking). - Guess SimfcsBin shape and dtype if not provided (breaking). - Use TiffWriter.write instead of deprecated save. - Drop support for Python 3.7 and NumPy < 1.19 (NEP29).
- Refactor SimfcsFbd initialization. - Print tracebacks of failing plugins in LfdFile.
- Calculate pixel_dwell_time and frame_size for FBD files with header. - Disable simfcsfbd_decode and simfcsfbd_histogram Python code (breaking).
- Read ISS Vista IFI files. - Fix reading FBD files with FBF header. - Fix reading R64 files with excess bytes. - Fix reading VPL files used by ISS Vista. - Remove lazyattr.
- Fix unclosed file warnings. - Replace TIFF compress with compression parameter (breaking). - Remove compress option from command line interface (breaking).