Major refactorings
Data management
- ``blocs.bdd`` moved to :mod:`.bdd` module and splitted in
:mod:`.bdd.base` (base classes and utilities),
:mod:`.bdd.enums` (enums, directly imported in ``.bdd``),
and :mod:`.bdd.model_joueurs`, :mod:`.bdd.model_jeu`,
:mod:`.bdd.model_actions`, :mod:`.bdd.model_ia` modules
(data classes, directly imported in ``bdd``);
- Every data classes names changed to singular names
(:class:`.bdd.Joueur`, :class:`.bdd.Role`...);
- Implemented SQLAlchemy relationships and made foreign key
arguments private (``Joueur.role`` -> ``Joueur._role_slug``,
``Joueur.role`` = direct access to ``Role`` object);
- Added custom metaclass ``bdd.TableMeta`` for class tables: more
robust implementation of ``Table.query``, and other convenience
- Enhanced data classes with custom properties and classmethods:
:meth:`.bdd.Joueur.member`, :meth:`.bdd.Joueur.private_chan`,
:meth:`.bdd.Joueur.from_member`, :meth:`.bdd.Role.nom_complet`,
:meth:`.bdd.Role.default`, :meth:`.bdd.Camp.default`,
- Enhanced data classes with instances methods:
:meth:`~.bdd.base.TableBase.add`, :meth:`~.bdd.base.TableBase.delete`
(global handy methods), :meth:`.bdd.Tache.add`, and specific
:meth:`.bdd.Tache.delete`, :meth:`.bdd.Tache.register`,
:meth:`.bdd.Tache.cancel`, :meth:`.bdd.Tache.execute`;
- Use Enums when needed: :class:`.bdd.Statut`,
:class:`.bdd.ActionTrigger`, :class:`.bdd.CandidHaroType`;
- ``bdd.__all__`` contains all data classes (for ``import *``).
Global namespace
New :mod:`.config` namespace module for:
- **Global variables**: implemented system of readiness check on
attributes (through new :mod:`.blocs.ready_check` module), used for:
- Bot objects: :attr:`` (loaded by :meth:``)
and :attr:`.config.loop` (loaded by :meth:`.LGBot.on_ready`),
- Server: :attr:`.config.guild` (loaded by :meth:`.LGBot.on_ready`),
- Database connection: :attr:`.config.engine` and
:attr:`.config.session` (loaded by :meth:`.bdd.connect`),
- Discord objects: :class:`.config.Role`, :class:`.config.Channel`,
:class:`.config.Emoji` classes store roles/channels/emojis
the bot needs to work, registered as names (customizable) and
then transformed in connected objects by :meth:`.LGBot.on_ready`.
- **Customization**:
- Private channels creation: :attr:`.config.private_chan_prefix`,
- Old ``bot.config`` keys: :attr:`~lgrez.config.debut_saison`,
- **LGBot is no more thread-safe**: only one bot instance should
run concurrently in an interpreter.
- "Connected" arguments (``bot``, ``ctx``, ``loop``...) removed from
several functions signatures, now using ``config`` attributes:
- :func:``, :func:``,
:func:``, :func:``,
:func:``, :func:``,
:func:``, :func:``;
- :func:`.features.gestion_actions.add_action`,
:func:`~.features.gestion_actions.close_action` ;
- :func:`.features.inscription.main`;
- :func:`.features.IA.process_IA`,
:func:`~.features.IA.trigger_gif` ;
- :func:`.features.sync.modif_joueur`.
Also added
- :class:`bdd.Camp` table (and made :attr:`` and
:attr:`` relationships);
- :func:`.bdd.base.autodoc_Column`, :func:`.autodoc_OneToMany`,
:func:`.autodoc_ManyToOne` and :func:`.autodoc_ManyToMany`
convenience functions to easily document bdd attributes;
- :attr:`.bdd.Tache.handler` convenience property;
- :func:`` helper function.
Also changed
- ``bot.Special`` cog moved to new :mod:`.features.special` module.
- :class:`~.LGbot` one-command-at-a-time system moved to new
:mod:`.blocs.one_command` module.
- Renamed ``blocs.bdd.Tables`` in :attr:`lgrez.bdd.tables`, and
made it auto-build by SQLAlchemy Declarative;
- Renamed ``blocs.bdd.Base`` in :attr:`lgrez.bdd.base.TableBase`;
- :meth:`<Table>.query <.bdd.base.TableMeta.query>` uses
:attr:`config.session` (raises :exc:`.blocs.ready_check.NotReadyError`
if not initialised);
- made `gestion_actions.get_actions` not async;
- Adapted ``!roles`` behavior to new ``Camp`` table;
- Removed unused option ``chan`` from
:func:`.features.gestion_actions.open_action` and
- :func:`` now relies on
:func:`` and :func:``
functions instead of hard-coded pause times;
- Updated the *Configuration Assistant Tool* (````) with
some changes on Google Sheets script editor and other minor changes;
- Splitted API Reference in several doc pages, and other global
documentation and codestyle improvements (source code now almost
entirely PEP8-compliant).
Also removed
- ``!modifIA``: removed option to edit both triggers and response;
- Made ``blocs.bdd.BaseActionsRoles`` private: use directly
:attr:`.bdd.BaseAction.roles` and :attr:`.bdd.Role.base_actions`
*many-to-many relationship* attributes);
- :class:`.bdd.BaseAction`: removed ``base_`` arguments, not specific
to the action (use ``action.base.<arg>`` instead);
- :mod:``: removed ``emoji_camp``, ``private_chan`` and
``nom_role`` functions (use :attr:`.bdd.Camp.discord_emoji` or
:attr:`~.bdd.Camp.discord_emoji_or_none` properties /
:attr:`.bdd.Joueur.private_chan` property / :attr:`.bdd.Role.nom`
attribute or :attr:`.bdd.Role.nom_complet` property instead);
- Removed ``blocs.bdd_tools`` module (use
:attr:`<Table>.columns <.bdd.base.TableMeta.columns>` and
:attr:`<Table>.primary_col <.bdd.base.TableMeta.primary_col>` properties,
:meth:`<Table>.find_nearest() <.bdd.base.TableMeta.find_nearest>` method,
and :func:`.features.sync.transtype` function instead);
- Removed ``features.taches.add_task``, ``delete_task``, ``execute``
functions (use :meth:`.bdd.Tache.add`, :meth:`~.bdd.Tache.delete` and
:meth:`~.bdd.Tache.execute` methods instead);
- Removed ``LGBot.config`` attribute (use :mod:`.lgrez.config` module