New recipes
* Add KsponSpeech recipe by whsqkaak in
New features
Several new APIs for manifest classes added in 1361:
* `cut.iter_data()` which iterates over (key, manifest) pairs of all data items attached to a given cut (e.g., `("recording", Recording(...)), ("custom_features", TemporalArray(...))`)
* `is_in_memory` property for all manifest types to indicate if it contains data that is held in memory
* `is_placeholder` for non-cut manifests to indicate if a manifest is just a placeholder (has some metadata, but can't be used to load data)
* `cut.drop_in_memory_data()` which converts manifests with in-memory data to placeholders (this is useful for manifests that live longer than just dataloading to avoid blowing up CPU memory and/or slowing down the program)
Bug fixes
* Restoring smart open for local files if available by pzelasko in
* Fix Recording.to_dict() when transforms are dicts and transform pickling issues by pzelasko in
* Utils for discovering attached data and dropping in-memory data by pzelasko in
* Numpy 2.0 compatibility by pzelasko in
New Contributors
* whsqkaak made their first contribution in
**Full Changelog**: