New Features
* `Crosstalk scores` inspired by [Cytotalk](( were added.
In contrast to the CytoTalk, in our calculation CTS with ligand or receptor with
PEM of 0 are assigned 0 CTS. Furthermore, we use the inverse of the non-self-talk
scores calculated in CytoTalk to also allow for autocrine signalling interactions,
and thus make Crosstalk scores comparable to the rest of the methods in LIANA.
Finally, as part of LIANA, CytoTalk's re-implemented scores would not take
account of complexes and we also apply liana-specifc filtering such as according
to `expr_prop`. Worth noting, we only re-implement the cross-talk scores, but we
don't include the intracellular part of Cytotalk.
* Changed `expr_thresh` to 0.1, based on lack of improvement in performance when using 0.2, hence opted out for the less conservative threshold as default
* Changed the way that default parameters are passed to each method
* Enabled housekeeping score aggregation for external methods (needed for revisions) via `.score_housekeep`
* Fixed Bug where external methods could not be called with their default DB. The resource is now always decomplexified
* Seurat Testdata is now properly normalized
* liana_aggragate will now by defaul dissociate complexe for CellChat Complexes
* Added tests for changes