* Added C++ error handling to classes via AIS_STATUS
* C++ message now inherit from AisMsg and need to call init() in constructor
* Added C++ messages 7_13, 14, 18, and 19
* aivdm_to_bits now has error checking
* ais123.cpp renames to ais1_2_3.cpp
* Switched to unicode in ais_py.cpp to support Python 3
* ais_py.cpp has strange INIT to handle Python 2 and 3
* nais2pg.py is starting to implement a new AIS feed to database daemon
* Redid my old USCG regex to have better names with lower_lower style
* LineQueue should now support reading through a socket, which I got wrong before
* Total redo of the Normalization queue to be much lower overhead and to call the regex only once per line received. Only keep they body of all but the last message in a sequence.
* test_libais.cpp is not really a test framework, but it does try out the pure C++ world.