- Add options to `libcoveocds.config.LibCoveOCDSConfig`:
- `standard_zip` (default `None`)
- `additional_checks` (default "all")
- `skip_aggregates` (default `False`) 43
- `context` (default "web")
- Add CLI options:
- `--additional-checks`
- `--skip-aggregates`
- `--standard-zip`
- `libcoveocds.lib.common_checks`:
- Rename `get_bad_ocds_prefixes` to `get_bad_ocid_prefixes`.
- `libcoveocds.schema.SchemaOCDS`:
- Rename `release_data` argument to `package_data`.
- Remove `pkg_schema_name`, `default_version`, `default_schema_host` attributes.
- `libcoveocds.config.LibCoveOCDSConfig`:
- `schema_version_choices` values are 3-tuples (added tag), instead of 2-tuples.
- Remove `schema_name`, `schema_item_name`, `schema_host` keys.
- Install dependencies for the web context with the `libcoveocds[web]` extra.
Other changes:
- `libcoveocds.schema.SchemaOCDS`:
- Raise an error if the `select_version` is invalid in API context.
- Extensions
- Create the record package schema correctly, if extensions present. 112
- Use ocdsextensionregistry to merge extensions. 81
- Cache all requests made by ocdsextensionregistry by default. Set the `REQUESTS_CACHE_EXPIRE_AFTER` environment variable to `0` to expire immediately.
- An extra error message is no longer reported for empty extension URLs. (Already reported as invalid URI.) (0.11.1)
- Merge an extension even if its metadata is missing or invalid.
- Use jsonschema's registry instead of lib-cove's resolver.
- Codelists
- Log at exception level if the request fails for the standard's codelists, instead of failing silently.
- Report all non-existing codes being removed by an extension, not only the last.
- Improve performance in API context.
- Skip the schema description and reference URL for OCID prefix conformance errors.
- Skip the formatted message, schema title, schema description and reference URL for validation errors.
- Skip the metadata fields for OCDS extensions.
- Skip sorting the JSON locations of additional checks.
- Improve ``context_api_transform()`` performance.
- Use orjson if available to load the input data.
- `ocds_json_output` determines `record_pkg`, if not provided.
- CLI validates `--schema-version`.
- flattentool is optional.
- Drop support for Python 3.7.
- Catch unresolvable reference errors in jsonschema, in addition to jsonref. 66
- The deprecated `cache_schema` keyword argument to `ocds_json_output()` and `SchemaOCDS()` is removed. (0.4.0)