New features
* Make OOP based composition and subclassing easier for CorrelationUDF (466)
* Introduce plain circular match pattern Circular (469)
* Distributed sharded dataset ClusterDataSet (136, 457)
* Support for caching data sets CachedDataSet from slower storage (NFS, spinning metal) on fast local storage (471)
* Clustering analysis (401, 408 by kruzaeva).
* implementation based on ncempy (497)
* Adds a new map() executor primitive. Used to concurrently read the metadata for DM3/DM4 files on initialization.
* Note: no support for the web GUI yet, as the naming patterns for DM file series varies wildly. Needs changes in the file dialog.
* Speed up of up to 150x for correlation-based peak refinement in libertem.udf.blobfinder.correlation with a Numba-based pipeline (468)
* Introduce FullFrameCorrelationUDF which correlates a large number (several hundred) of small peaks (10x10) on small frames (256x256) faster than FastCorrelationUDF and SparseCorrelationUDF (468)
* Introduce UDFPreprocessMixin (464)
* Implement iterator over AnalysisResultSet (496)
* Add hologram simulation libertem.utils.generate.hologram_frame() (475)
* Implement Hologram reconstruction UDF libertem.udf.holography.HoloReconstructUDF (475)
Bug fixes
* Improved error and validation handling when opening files with GUI (433, 442)
* Clean-up and improvements of libertem.analysis.fullmatch.FullMatcher (463)
* Ensure that RAW dataset sizes are calculated as int64 to avoid integer overflows (495, 493)
* Resolve shape mismatch issue and simplify dominant order calculation in Radial Fourier Analysis (502)
* Actually pass the enable_direct parameter from web API to the DataSet
* Created Authorship policy (460, 483)
* Change management process (443, 451, 453)
* Documentation for Crystallinity map and Clustering analysis (408 by kruzaeva)
* Instructions for profiling slow tests (447, 448)
* Improve API reference on Analysis results (494, 496)
* Restructure and update the API reference for a number of UDFs and other application-specific code (503, 507, 508)
* The Job interface is planned to be replaced with an implementation based on UDFs in one of the upcoming releases.
* Split up the bobfinder code between several files to reduce file size (468)
Travis CI build log: