**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/signebedi/libreforms-fastapi/compare/1.0.8...1.0.9
**Project Roadmap**: https://github.com/signebedi/libreforms-fastapi/issues/36
This release leverages the form `__config__` dict to implement form stage management, which is the terminology employed by the application to refer to form routing and approval. Based on this new feature, the application now offers modified event hooks: on_sign was replaced with on_approve, on_deny, on_pushback, and on_confirm. To make it easier to back-trace form submissions that are referenced in other forms, this version also introduces "linked references", or backlinks, which provides a list of submissions that link to a given form submission or user account when viewing that submission or profile, respectively. Additionally, Jinja2-based emails templates now render as HTML by default, instead of plaintext. Finally, this version introduces initial steps needed for server/client decoupling, with the long-run intent to support alienated server and client deployments that interact over the RESTful API using service accounts.
Here are a list of issues addressed in part or full since the last major release:
- 62
- 323
- 326
- 327
- 328
- 329
- 331
- 335
- 336
- 338
- 342
- 347
- 344
- 345