
Latest version: v0.10.2.post1

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Bug fixes
- fixed default `librosa.stft, istft, ifgram` to match specification
- fixed a float->int bug in peak\_pick
- better memory efficiency
- `librosa.segment.recurrence_matrix` corrects for width suppression
- fixed a divide-by-0 error in the beat tracker
- fixed a bug in tempo estimation with short windows
- `librosa.feature.sync` now supports 1d arrays
- fixed a bug in beat trimming
- fixed a bug in `librosa.stft` when calculating window size
- fixed `librosa.resample` to support stereo signals

- added filters option to cqt
- added window function support to istft
- added an IPython notebook demo
- added `` for computing temporal difference features
- new `examples` scripts: tuning, hpss
- added optional trimming to `librosa.segment.stack_memory`
- `librosa.onset.onset_strength` now takes generic spectrogram function `feature`
- compute reference power directly in `librosa.logamplitude`
- color-blind-friendly default color maps in `librosa.display.cmap`
- `librosa.onset_strength` now accepts an aggregator
- added `librosa.feature.perceptual_weighting`
- added tuning estimation to `librosa.feature.chromagram`
- added `librosa.A_weighting`
- vectorized frequency converters
- added `librosa.cqt_frequencies` to get CQT frequencies
- `librosa.cqt` basic constant-Q transform implementation
- `librosa.filters.cq_to_chroma` to convert log-frequency to chroma
- added `librosa.fft_frequencies`
- `librosa.decompose.hpss` can now return masking matrices
- added reversal for `librosa.segment.structure_feature`
- added `librosa.time_to_frames`
- added cent notation to `librosa.midi_to_note`
- added time-series or spectrogram input options to `chromagram`, `logfsgram`, `melspectrogram`, and `mfcc`
- new module: `librosa.display`
- `librosa.output.segment_csv` => `librosa.output.frames_csv`
- migrated frequency converters to `librosa`
- new module: `librosa.filters`
- `librosa.decompose.hpss` now supports complex-valued STFT matrices
- `librosa.decompose.decompose()` supports `sklearn` decomposition objects
- added `librosa.phase_vocoder`
- new module: `librosa.onset`; migrated onset strength from `librosa.beat`
- added `librosa.pick_peaks`
- `librosa.load()` supports offset and duration parameters
- `librosa.magphase()` to separate magnitude and phase from a complex matrix
- new module: `librosa.segment`

Other changes
- `onset_estimate_bpm => estimate_tempo`
- removed `n_fft` from `librosa.istft()`
- `librosa.mel_frequencies` returns `n_mels` values by default
- changed default `librosa.decompose.hpss` window to 31
- disabled onset de-trending by default in `librosa.onset.onset_strength`
- added complex-value warning to `librosa.display.specshow`
- broke compatibility with `ifgram.m`; `librosa.ifgram` now matches `stft`
- changed default beat tracker settings
- migrated `hpss` into `librosa.decompose`
- changed default `librosa.decompose.hpss` power parameter to `2.0`
- `librosa.load()` now returns single-precision by default
- standardized `n_fft=2048`, `hop_length=512` for most functions
- refactored tempo estimator



Initial public release.

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