Released on May 3, 2015.
- Follow up the libsass upstream: 3.2.2 --- See the release notes of LibSass
3.2.0__, 3.2.1__, and 3.2.2__.
[:issue:`61`, :issue:`52`, :issue:`56`, :issue:`58`, :issue:`62`, :issue:`64`
by Anthony Sottile]
- Compact and expanded output styles [:issue:`37`]
- Strings and interpolation closer to Ruby Sass
- The correctness of the generated sourcemap files
- Directive buddling
- Full support for the ``at-root`` directive
- Full support for ``!global`` variable scoping
- Now underscored files are ignored when compiling a directory.
[:issue:`57` by Anthony Sottile]
- Fixed broken FreeBSD build. [:issue:`34`, :issue:`60` by Ilya Baryshev]
- :class:`~sassutils.wsgi.SassMiddleware` became to log syntax errors
if exist during compilation to ``sassutils.wsgi.SassMiddleware`` logger
with level ``ERROR``. [:issue:`42`]