Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience.
- Added the ability to use the Wii U NUS endpoint (`http://ccs.cdn.wup.shop.nintendo.net/ccs/download/`) to the NUS module, allowing you to get a decent speed increase with downloads by adding `wiiu_endpoint=True` to any NUS function.
- Added `encrypt_title_key()` to the Crypto module, allowing you to re-encrypt any decrypted Title Key with any common key you choose.
- Improved IV handling when decrypting Title Keys in the Crypto module, so that you can now pass the Title ID used as the IV in any of three formats (`b'0102'`, `b'\x01\x02'`, `"0102"`).
- Replaced unnecessary uses of BytesIO objects when dumping WAD, TMD, Ticket, and Content objects back into raw data.
- Updated comments in the TMD module that describe various properties stored in a TMD thanks to new information from rvtr.
- The TMD module now reads and writes two "reserved" regions of a TMD that were previously ignored and written out as all zeroes, because they were found to be critical on the DSi in [libTWLPy](https://github.com/NinjaCheetah/libTWLPy), and may be important here.
This release is also available [on PyPI](https://pypi.org/project/libWiiPy/0.2.3/).