* Fix opening of multi-part zim. * Fix convertion of path to wpath on Windows.
* Implement low level file manipilation using different backends
* [Windows] Fix opening of zim file bigger than 4GiB
* [Writer] Fix wrong redirectyon log message * Make libzim compile natively on windows using MSVC * Better message when failing to read a zim file. * Make libzim on windows correctly open unicode path. * Add compilation option to use less memory (but more I/O). Usefull on low memory devices (android) * Small fixes
* [Writer] Remove a lot of memory copy. * [Writer] Add xapian indexing directly in libzim. * [Writer] Better API. * [Writer] Use multi-threading to write clusters. * [Writer] Ensure mimetype of articles article is not null. * Extend test timeout for cluster's test. * Less memory copy for cluster's test. * Allow skipping test using a lot memory using env variable `SKIP_BIG_MEMORY_TEST=1` * Explicitly use the icu namespace to allow using of packaged icu lib. * Use a temporary file name as long as the ZIM writting process is not finished (163) * [Travis] Do no compile using gcc-5 (but the default trusty's one 4.8)
- Support for Python 3.13 (208)
- `delocate` dependency only required on Windows platform