
Latest version: v0.4.0.post1

Safety actively analyzes 642283 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Assume algebras form a group under addition
- Added algebras to hmlie under this assumption
- Changed unserialize op from static method to void editing data in place.
- Added unserialize to all lie groups
- Added get_size to all lie groups
- Changed action signature from (g, M) -> (M) to (G, M) -> (M)
- Removed left_exp_default action
- Added left_product action
- Added coordinate map to MK flow
- Changed SU serialization to not assume quaternion format
- Generalized SU(n) to n -> inf


- Added algebras to hmlie
- Further generalized su and SU
- Removed Pauli and Gell-Mann constant matrices


Initial release.

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