
Latest version: v0.3.3

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- :construction: Fixed spurious warning during model creation (186, jobrachem)
- :construction: Update logging setup (187, jobrachem)
- :sparkles: New method `Var.transform`. (174, jobrachem)


- :construction: Pinned scipy version to <=1.12 (jobrachem)
- :construction: Handeled error in `liesel.model.model.transform` for duplicated nodes (167, GianmarcoCallegher)
- :sparkles: `lsl.Calc` nodes will now try to evaluate their function upon initialization. This can make it much easier to spot errors early. The behavior can be turned off by passing `update_on_init=False`. (92, jobrachem)
- :construction: Fixed unexpected behaviour `liesel.model.viz.plot_vars` when using an intermediate `Calc`. (168, GianmarcoCallegher)


- :sparkles: Added `NamedTupleInterface` (151, wiep)


- :sparkles: Large documentation updates! (149, 146, 145, 143, 135, 134, jobrachem; 144, 140, GianmarcoCallegher)
- :sparkles: The method `gs.Summary.error_df()` is now publicly available. (137, jobrachem)
- :sparkles: The class `liesel.goose.engine.SamplingResults` is now exported via `liesel.goose`, which means it can be used as `gs.SamplingResults`. (jobrachem)
- :sparkles: Improved the efficiency of the `liesel.distributions.mvn_degen.MultivariateNormalDegenerate.from_penalty` constructor (101, GianmarcoCallegher)
- :sparkles: Added alternative constructor `.from_penalty_smooth` to `MultivariateNormalDegenerate` (133, GianmarcoCallegher)
- :construction: Added `observed=True` to a `pd.DataFrame.groupby()` call in `goose/` to silence a warning due to a deprecation in [pandas v2.1.0](
- :construction: Renamed `lsl.Param` to `lsl.param` and `lsl.Obs` to `lsl.obs` to reflect the fact that those are functions, not classes. The old names are deprecated and scheduled for removal in v0.4.0. (130, jobrachem)
- :construction: Renamed/moved the following symbols. The old names are deprecated and scheduled for removal in v0.4.0. (136, jobrachem)
- `liesel.model.goose.GooseModel` -> (renamed/moved) `liesel.goose.interface.LieselInterface`
- `liesel.goose.models.DictModel` -> (renamed/moved) `liesel.goose.interface.DictInterface`
- `liesel.goose.models.DataClassModel` -> (renamed/moved) `liesel.goose.interface.DataclassInterface`
- :construction: Some maintenance updates to stay up to date with dependencies (147, 141, 102, GianmarcoCallegher; 139, wiep; 109, jobrachem)


- :construction: Updated for compatibility with Blackjax 1.0.0 (100, wiep & hriebl)
- :construction: Updated for compatibility with the latest mypy update (97, wiep & hriebl)
- :sparkles: Added functionality for easy setup and customization of initial value jittering (72, GianmarcoCallegher & hriebl)
- :sparkles: Improved error messages in `lsl.Calc.update()` (84, jobrachem)
- :construction: Fixed a bug in `gs.plot_param()` (81, viktoriussuwandi)
- :construction: Fixed an error in the tutorial on linear regression (85, jobrachem)
- :construction: Fixed the display of the plot title in `gs.plot_scatter()` (98, hriebl)


What's new?

- :construction: Removed all references to `jax.numpy.DeviceArray` to make Liesel compatible with Jax 0.4.14 (73, jobrachem)
- ✨ Added a visual distinction for edges that represent a connection to a variable's distribution or value (76, GianmarcoCallegher)
- ✨ Added `ls.Model.simulate()`, which provides a convenient way to draw random samples from a Liesel model using the specified priors. (70, hriebl)
- ✨ Added `liesel.model.goose.finite_discrete_gibbs_kernel`, which helps you to automatically set up a `gs.GibbsKernel` for a discrete variable (64 & 65, jobrachem and hriebl)
- ✨ Added an intialization message to `gs.Engine` (66, GianmarcoCallegher)

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