This release prepares the machinery for distributing LightDock using `pip` for the first time. Major changes include:
- Code has been migrated to Python >3.5 series. This repository will container only Python3 source code. For older versions of the code (Python 2.7) repository is [](
- `` compatible, including tests (still with nose, but planning to update in the future). For testing run `python3 test`.
- Travis CI [has been integrated](
- All scripts have been reorganized to the `bin` folder. `lightdock` and `lightdock_setup` have been renamed to `` and `` respectively to avoid problems with older versions of the software.
- Refactoring to Python3 was not able to keep the same initial coordinates during `` due to a seed not being set for the random number generator in the old 2.7 implementation. `init` folders are still compatible, however, new setups will generate different initial coordinates for the glowworms in the system.
- *Membrane* protocol and the use of *MPI* are still **experimental**. If you plan to make use of them, please contact us before to avoid problems.
- **License has changed to GPLv3**.