- Introduced a new layout for the
`online documentation <https://docs.lightkurve.org>`_. [#360, 400, 406]
- Added ``LightCurve.interact_bls()``: an interactive Bokeh widget to find
planets using the Box Least Squares (BLS) method. [401]
- Added ``LombScarglePeriodogram`` and ``BoxLeastSquarePeriodogam`` sub-classes
to distinguish periodograms generated using different methods. [403]
- Added the ``PLDCorrector`` class to remove instrument systematics using the
Pixel Level Decorrelation (PLD) method. [305]
- Added the ``TargetPixelFile.to_corrector()`` convenience method to make
systematics correction classes easy to access. [305]
- Refactored ``SFFCorrector`` to make its API consistent with ``PLDCorrector``,
and deprecated the ``LightCurve.correct()`` method in favor of
``LightCurve.to_corrector()``. [408, 417]
- Made ``SFFCorrector`` robust against light curves that contain big gaps in
time. [414]
- Minor bug fixes. [392, 397, 420]
- Increased the unit test coverage. [387, 388]