
Latest version: v0.8.2

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- Added the normalization parameters of `torchvision.transforms.Normalize` as `transform_kwargs` in the `ImageClassificationInputTransform` ([1178](
- Added `available_outputs` method to the `Task` ([1206](


- Fixed a bug where DDP would not work with Flash tasks ([1182](
- Fixed DDP support for `VideoClassifier` ([1189](
- Fixed a bug where buffers in loss functions were not correctly registered in the `Task` ([1203](
- Fixed support for passing a sampler instance to `from_*` methods / the `DataModule` ([1204](



- Added support for multi-label, space delimited, targets ([1076](
- Added support for tabular classification / regression backbones from PyTorch Tabular ([1098](
- Added Flash zero support for tabular regression ([1098](
- Added support for COCO annotations with non-default keypoint labels to `KeypointDetectionData.from_coco` ([1102](
- Added support for `from_csv` and `from_data_frame` to `VideoClassificationData` ([1117](
- Added support for `SemanticSegmentationData.from_folders` where mask files have different extensions to the image files ([1130](
- Added `FlashRegistry` of Available Heads for `flash.image.ImageClassifier` ([1152](
- Added support for `ObjectDetectionData.from_files` ([1154](
- Added support for passing the `Output` object (or a string e.g. `"labels"`) to the `flash.Trainer.predict` method ([1157](
- Added support for passing the `TargetFormatter` object to `from_*` methods for classification to override target handling ([1171](


- Changed `Wav2Vec2Processor` to `AutoProcessor` and separate it from backbone [optional] ([1075](
- Renamed `ClassificationInput` to `ClassificationInputMixin` ([1116](
- Changed the default `learning_rate` for all tasks to be `None`, corresponding to the default for your chosen optimizer ([1172](


- Fixed a bug when not explicitly passing `embedding_sizes` to the `TabularClassifier` and `TabularRegressor` tasks ([1067](
- Fixed a bug where under some circumstances transforms would not get called ([1072](
- Fixed a bug where prediction would sometimes give the wrong number of outputs ([1077](
- Fixed a bug where passing the `val_split` to the `DataModule` would not have the desired effect ([1079](
- Fixed a bug where passing `predict_data_frame` to `ImageClassificationData.from_data_frame` raised an error ([1088](
- Fixed a bug where segmentation files / masks were loaded with an inconsistent ordering ([1094](
- Fixed a bug with `AudioClassificationData.from_numpy` ([1096](
- Fixed a bug when using `SpeechRecognitionData.from_files` for training / validating / testing ([1097](
- Fixed a bug when using `SpeechRecognitionData.from_csv` or `from_json` when predicting without targets ([1097](
- Fixed a bug where `SpeechRecognitionData.from_datasets` did not work as expected ([1097](
- Fixed a bug where loading data for prediction with `SemanticSegmentationData.from_folders` raised an error ([1101](
- Fixed a bug when passing a `predict_folder` argument to `from_coco` / `from_voc` / `from_via` in IceVision tasks ([1102](
- Fixed `ObjectDetectionData.from_voc` and `ObjectDetectionData.from_via` ([1102](
- Fixed a bug where `InstanceSegmentationData.from_coco` would raise an error if not using file-based masks ([1102](
- Fixed `InstanceSegmentationData.from_voc` ([1102](
- Fixed a bug when loading tabular data for prediction without a target field / column ([1114](
- Fixed a bug when loading prediction data for graph classification without targets ([1121](
- Fixed a bug where loading Seq2Seq data for prediction would not work if the target field was not present ([1128](
- Fixed a bug where `from_fiftyone` classmethods did not work correctly with a `predict_dataset` ([1136](
- Fixed a bug where the `labels` property would return `None` when using `ObjectDetectionData.from_fiftyone` ([1136](
- Fixed a bug where `TabularData` would not work correctly with no categorical variables ([1144](
- Fixed a bug where loading `TabularForecastingData` for prediction would only yield a single sample per series ([1149](
- Fixed a bug where backbones for the `ObjectDetector`, `KeypointDetector`, and `InstanceSegmentation` tasks were not always frozen correctly when finetuning ([1163](
- Fixed a bug where `DataModule.multi_label` would sometimes be `None` when it had been inferred to be `False` ([1165](


- Removed the `Seq2SeqData` base class (use `TranslationData` or `SummarizationData` directly) ([1128](
- Removed the ability to attach the `Output` object directly to the model ([1157](



- Added `TextEmbedder` task ([996](
- Added predict_kwargs in `ObjectDetector`, `InstanceSegmentation`, `KeypointDetector` ([990](
- Added backbones for `GraphClassifier` ([592](
- Added `GraphEmbedder` task ([592](
- Added support for comma delimited multi-label targets to the `ImageClassifier` ([997](
- Added `datapipeline_state` on dataset creation within the `from_*` methods from the `DataModule` ([1018](


- Changed `DataSource` to `Input` ([929](
- Changed `Preprocess` to `InputTransform` ([951](
- Changed classes named `*Serializer` and properties / variables named `serializer` to be `*Output` and `output` respectively ([927](
- Changed `Postprocess` to `OutputTransform` ([942](
- Changed loading of RGBA images to drop alpha channel by default ([946](
- Updated `FlashFinetuning` callback to use separate hooks that lets users use the freezing logic provided out-of-the-box from flash, route FlashFinetuning through a registry. ([830](
- Changed the `SpeechRecognition` task to use `AutoModelForCTC` rather than just `Wav2Vec2ForCTC` ([874](
- Changed the `Deserializer` to subclass `ServeInput` ([1013](
- Added `Output` suffix to `Preds`, `FiftyOneDetectionLabels`, `SegmentationLabels`, `FiftyOneDetectionLabels`, `DetectionLabels`, `Classes`, `FiftyOneLabels`, `Labels`, `Logits`, `Probabilities` ([1011](
- Changed `from_files` and `from_folders` from `ObjectDetectionData`, `InstanceSegmentationData`, `KeypointDetectionData` to support only the `predicting` stage ([1018](
- Changed `Image Classification Task` to use the new DataModule API ([1025](


- Deprecated `` in favour of `` ([927](
- Deprecated `Task.serializer` in favour of `Task.output` ([927](
- Deprecated `flash.text.seq2seq.core.metrics` in favour of `torchmetrics[text]` ([648](
- Deprecated `` in favour of `flash.DataKeys` ([929](
- Deprecated `data_source` argument to `flash.Task.predict` in favour of `input` ([929](


- Fixed a bug where using image classification with DDP spawn would trigger an infinite recursion ([969](
- Fixed a bug where Flash could not be used with IceVision 0.11.0 ([989](
- Fixed a bug where backbone weights were sometimes not frozen correctly ([992](
- Fixed a bug where translation metrics were not computed correctly ([992](
- Fixed a bug where additional `DataModule` keyword arguments could not be configured with Flash Zero for some tasks ([994](
- Fixed a bug where the TabularForecaster would not work with some versions of pandas ([995](


- Removed `OutputMapping` ([939](
- Removed `Output.enable` and `Output.disable` ([939](
- Removed `OutputTransform.save_sample` and `save_data` hooks ([948](
- Removed InputTransform `pre_tensor_transform`, `to_tensor_transform`, `post_tensor_transform` hooks in favour of `per_sample_transform` ([1010](
- Removed `Task.predict`, use `Trainer.predict` instead ([1030](
- Removed the `backbone` argument from `TextClassificationData`, it is now sufficient to only provide a `backbone` argument to the `TextClassifier` ([1022](
- Removed support for the `serve_sanity_check` argument in `flash.Trainer` ([1062](



- Added a `TabularForecaster` task based on PyTorch Forecasting ([647](
- Added a `TabularRegressor` task ([892](


- Fixed a bug where test metrics were not logged correctly with active learning ([879](
- Fixed a bug where validation metrics could be aggregated together with test metrics in some cases ([900](
- Fixed a bug where the latest versions of torchmetrics and Lightning Flash could not be installed together ([902](
- Fixed compatibility with PyTorch-Lightning 1.5 ([933](



- Added `LabelStudio` integration ([554](
- Added support `learn2learn` training_strategy for `ImageClassifier` ([737](
- Added `vissl` training_strategies for `ImageEmbedder` ([682](
- Added support for `from_data_frame` to `TextClassificationData` ([785](
- Added `FastFace` integration ([606](
- Added support for `from_lists` to `TextClassificationData` ([805](


- Changed the default `num_workers` on linux to `0` (matching the default for other OS) ([759](
- Optimizer and LR Scheduler registry are used to get the respective inputs to the Task using a string (or a callable). ([777](


- Fixed a bug where additional kwargs (e.g. sampler) passed to tabular data would be ignored ([792](
- Fixed a bug where loading text data with additional non-numeric columns (not input or target) would give an error ([888](



- Added support for (input, target) style datasets (e.g. torchvision) to the from_datasets method ([552](
- Added support for `from_csv` and `from_data_frame` to `ImageClassificationData` ([556](
- Added SimCLR, SwAV, Barlow-twins pretrained weights for resnet50 backbone in ImageClassifier task ([560](
- Added support for Semantic Segmentation backbones and heads from `segmentation-models.pytorch` ([562](
- Added support for nesting of `Task` objects ([575](
- Added `PointCloudSegmentation` Task ([566](
- Added `PointCloudObjectDetection` Task ([600](
- Added a `GraphClassifier` task ([73](
- Added the option to pass `pretrained` as a string to `SemanticSegmentation` to change pretrained weights to load from `segmentation-models.pytorch` ([587](
- Added support for `field` parameter for loadng JSON based datasets in text tasks. ([585](
- Added `AudioClassificationData` and an example for classifying audio spectrograms ([594](
- Added a `SpeechRecognition` task for speech to text using Wav2Vec ([586](
- Added Flash Zero, a zero code command line ML platform built with flash ([611](
- Added support for `.npy` and `.npz` files to `ImageClassificationData` and `AudioClassificationData` ([651](
- Added support for `from_csv` to the `AudioClassificationData` ([651](
- Added option to pass a `resolver` to the `from_csv` and `from_pandas` methods of `ImageClassificationData`, which is used to resolve filenames given IDs ([651](
- Added integration with IceVision for the `ObjectDetector` ([608](
- Added keypoint detection task ([608](
- Added instance segmentation task ([608](
- Added Torch ORT support to Transformer based tasks ([667](
- Added support for flash zero with the `InstanceSegmentation` and `KeypointDetector` tasks ([672](
- Added support for `in_chans` argument to the flash ResNet to control the expected number of input channels ([673](
- Added a `QuestionAnswering` task for extractive question answering ([607](
- Added automatic unwrapping of IceVision prediction objects ([727](
- Added support for the `ObjectDetector` with FiftyOne ([727](
- Added support for MP3 files to the `SpeechRecognition` task with librosa ([726](
- Added support for `from_numpy` and `from_tensors` to `AudioClassificationData` ([745](


- Changed how pretrained flag works for loading weights for ImageClassifier task ([560](
- Removed bolts pretrained weights for SSL from ImageClassifier task ([560](
- Changed the behaviour of the `sampler` argument of the `DataModule` to take a `Sampler` type rather than instantiated object ([651](
- Changed arguments to `ObjectDetector`, use `head` instead of `model` and append `_fpn` to the backbone name instead of the `fpn` argument ([608](


- Fixed a bug where serve sanity checking would not be triggered using the latest PyTorchLightning version ([493](
- Fixed a bug where train and validation metrics weren't being correctly computed ([559](
- Fixed a bug where an uncaught ValueError could be raised when checking if a module is available ([615](
- Fixed a bug where some tasks were not compatible with PyTorch 1.7 due to use of `torch.jit.isinstance` ([611](
- Fixed a bug where custom samplers would not be properly forwarded to the data loader ([651](
- Fixed a bug where it was not possible to pass no metrics to the `ImageClassifier` or `TestClassifier` ([660](
- Fixed a bug where `drop_last` would be set to True during prediction and testing ([671](
- Fixed a bug where flash was not compatible with pytorch-lightning >= 1.4.3 ([690](

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