
Latest version: v2.1.2

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* Str, repr and all attribute for settings by HarryBromley in

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This release adds the tomography module, enabling state tomography to be performed on circuits. In a future release process tomography will also be included. There is also a new section of the documentation for the tomography and interferometers modules, which contain tutorials for each of these.

The unit of loss within Lightworks has been updated to a decimal value instead of a dB loss. It is hoped that this will be more intuitive for new users and those unfamiliar with photonics. This will alter the results of any existing code which uses loss elements, so this will need to be updated. The transmission conversion functions have also been updated so that they are now in terms of loss.

In the qubit module, qiskit_converter has been moved to the main import path of qubit, so should no longer be imported from qubit.converters. A single qubit identity gate I has also been introduced.

Behind the scenes, there was a number of updates to improve performance and reliability of Lightworks, including a rework of the circuit compiler, display functionality and some consolidation of functions.

Breaking Changes
- The units of loss have been modified from dB to a decimal value. This will need to be updated in all existing code which utilises loss components, replacing any dB values with `db_loss_to_decimal(dB value)`.
- `transmission_to_db_loss` has been replaced with `decimal_to_db_loss` and `db_loss_to_transmission` has been replaced with `db_loss_to_decimal`.
- `qiskit_converter` import has been moved from qubit.converter to qubit, so it can now be imported as `from lightworks.qubit import qiskit_converter`.
- Removed the deprecated add_component methods of circuit.

- Introduced tomography module with `StateTomography` object for performing the tomography process, and included associated documentation for this.
- Improved and optimised circuit compiler and display components.
- Consolidated random seed processing.
- Added new tutorials and documentation for qubit and interferometers module.
- Fixed a bug within the circuit copy method, which caused issues when copying heralded circuits.

PR: 70

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