- Fix a typo that caused ligo.skymap to always compile the bundled copy of
chealpix instead of searching for a system version using pkgconfig.
- Un-pin Numpy version now that Numpy 1.15.4 is out.
- The ``bayestar-localize-lvalert`` and ``ligo-skymap-from-samples`` tools can
now natively output multi-resolution HEALPix files, although they still
natively output flat, fixed-resolution HEALPix files.
- Add the ``ligo-skymap-flatten`` tool to convert multi-resolution HEALPix
files to flat, fixed-resolution, implicitly indexed HEALPix files.
- Bring back ``bayestar_samples_ppplot`` from LALInference as
``ligo-skymap-plot-pp-samples``, a tool for making P-P plots to compare a sky
map with posterior samples.
- Add ``--cosmology`` feature to ``ligo-skymap-stats`` to calculate comoving