- test_make_store_file_store test to pass cache path inside the config dictionary.
- circular import in support/service_provider between ServiceProvider and Application.
- test_async_redis_add_key_does_not_exist to mock the expireat method with AsyncMock.
- storing locks in a Locker by correcting the `_locks` attribute name in `AsyncRedisLocker`.
- the passing of cache configuration settings from `make_locker()` to `AsyncRedisLocker`.
- the setting of an expire time for a resource in a Redis cache using `AsyncRedisStore`.
- issues with mocking in test for checking the prevention of too many requests, `test_dispatch_too_many_requests_exception`.
- `make_locker` raising `ValueError` for unknown locker.
- improve documentation for the `Application` class.
- ordering of parameters for `Application.__init__()`.
- making services in `authentication.authenticators` modules to use `Application.make` method.
- deferrable services which will be loaded when needed.
- loading of services that are not deferrable so that they are ready for a request.
- RedisStore and MemcacheStore to interact with a redis or memcache server and use to cache data.
- Black code formatter to provide a consistent format for the project.
- flake8 to enforce PEP8 styling.
- pytest pre-commit hook to run tests before committing.
- tests to authentication, database middleware, routing middleware, and service providers to increase test coverage to 100%.
- isort pre-commit hook for consistent ordering of imports.
- support for async services by Application.
- AsyncRedisStore to support asynchronous Redis communication.
- cache locker service to lock resources in the cache database, including the AsyncRedisLocker service.
- tests for `locker` module.
- `Service` class to represent a service that is required by the service container.
- check for a used service name when attempting to bind a new service to the service container in `Application.bind()`.
- sphinx to provide API documentation.
- tox package to test project against multiple python versions and included python 3.9.0 support.
- restructured tests to match project structure for consistency.
- `Application` class to use the `Service` class when binding a service.
- `Application.bind()` to check for instances of a singleton service without `.keys()`.
- `Application` class bindings and instances private attributes.
- `Application.bind()` to accept a `Service` instance as an argument.
- making of stores by moving the construction of a cache connection to the `make_store()` factory function.
- making of lockers by moving the construction of a cache connection to the `make_locker()` factory function.
- config service to a wrapper class around `ConfigParser` with helper functions to access configurations.
- `__getitem__()` from `Application` class as it no longer fits with the async capability of the class.
- `register()` from `Application` class to simplify the registering of service providers with the service container.