Most methods found in the C Linq framework have been transferred to the python-linqex project and additional modifications have been made to the classes. ( and edited, newly added methods tested)
* Added data type fixation to 'Enumerable' class. [Enumerable(iterable) -> Enumerable(iterable, const-type)]
* Added 'Take', 'TakeLast', 'Skip', 'SkipLast', 'Select', 'Distinct', 'Except', 'Join', 'OrderBy', 'Reverse', 'Zip', 'SequenceEqual', 'Aggregate', 'Prepent', 'Insert', 'Concat', 'Map', 'ContainsByKey', 'Contains' and 'Loop' methods into the 'Enumerable Base' class
* Added 'Take', 'TakeLast', 'Skip', 'SkipLast', 'Select', 'Distinct', 'Except', 'Join', 'OrderBy', 'ThenBy', 'Reverse', 'Zip', 'SequenceEqual', 'Aggregate', 'Prepent', 'Insert', 'Concat', 'Map', 'ContainsByKey', 'Contains' and 'Loop' methods in the 'Enumerable' class
* Added 'Range' and 'Repeat' static methods into the 'Enumerable' class
* Methods in class 'EnumerableBase(iterable)' in file '' have been split into structures 'build/' and 'build/'.
* Methods in class 'EnumerableBase(iterable)' in file '' have been split into structures 'linq/' and 'linq/'.
* Deleted 'ingets' and 'insets' methods from 'Enumerable' class and '' file.