
Latest version: v1.52.14

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**Full Changelog**:

Load Test LiteLLM Proxy Results

| Name | Status | Median Response Time (ms) | Average Response Time (ms) | Requests/s | Failures/s | Request Count | Failure Count | Min Response Time (ms) | Max Response Time (ms) |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| /chat/completions | Passed ✅ | 92 | 94.82537635214605 | 1.4798351719920857 | 0.0 | 443 | 0 | 85.5501070000173 | 463.2571589999941 |
| /health/liveliness | Passed ✅ | 78 | 81.72600641305303 | 15.406320120152369 | 0.0033404857155577557 | 4612 | 1 | 74.07127199996921 | 1523.1907680000063 |
| /health/readiness | Passed ✅ | 78 | 79.81057775310516 | 15.329488948694541 | 0.0 | 4589 | 0 | 74.00314199998093 | 2597.186700000009 |
| Aggregated | Passed ✅ | 78 | 81.41629247304068 | 32.215644240839 | 0.0033404857155577557 | 9644 | 1 | 74.00314199998093 | 2597.186700000009 |


**Full Changelog**:

Load Test LiteLLM Proxy Results

| Name | Status | Median Response Time (ms) | Average Response Time (ms) | Requests/s | Failures/s | Request Count | Failure Count | Min Response Time (ms) | Max Response Time (ms) |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| /chat/completions | Passed ✅ | 39 | 43.49570516775706 | 1.5334542654677854 | 0.0 | 459 | 0 | 35.536331000002974 | 672.7238769999815 |
| /health/liveliness | Passed ✅ | 25 | 27.633547701502316 | 15.568402782309107 | 0.0 | 4660 | 0 | 23.23066200000312 | 1111.8675150000001 |
| /health/readiness | Passed ✅ | 25 | 28.841449343583456 | 15.645242538530805 | 0.0 | 4683 | 0 | 23.37774900001932 | 1315.0456060000124 |
| Aggregated | Passed ✅ | 25 | 28.95341442940254 | 32.7470995863077 | 0.0 | 9802 | 0 | 23.23066200000312 | 1315.0456060000124 |


**Full Changelog**:

Load Test LiteLLM Proxy Results

| Name | Status | Median Response Time (ms) | Average Response Time (ms) | Requests/s | Failures/s | Request Count | Failure Count | Min Response Time (ms) | Max Response Time (ms) |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| /chat/completions | Passed ✅ | 80 | 86.73186911441704 | 1.459704341578128 | 0.0 | 437 | 0 | 76.22928200001411 | 968.069651999997 |
| /health/liveliness | Passed ✅ | 66 | 69.20286019714665 | 15.452156256614234 | 0.0 | 4626 | 0 | 63.52887100001681 | 1439.3287229999885 |
| /health/readiness | Passed ✅ | 66 | 69.76840435106551 | 15.508941093700797 | 0.0 | 4643 | 0 | 63.739710999982435 | 1511.5879589999963 |
| Aggregated | Passed ✅ | 66 | 70.2626168840921 | 32.42080169189316 | 0.0 | 9706 | 0 | 63.52887100001681 | 1511.5879589999963 |


Not secure
**Full Changelog**:

Load Test LiteLLM Proxy Results

| Name | Status | Median Response Time (ms) | Average Response Time (ms) | Requests/s | Failures/s | Request Count | Failure Count | Min Response Time (ms) | Max Response Time (ms) |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| /chat/completions | Passed ✅ | 56 | 61.27676192407882 | 1.5397730909671428 | 0.0 | 461 | 0 | 50.1638559999833 | 1107.1635870000023 |
| /health/liveliness | Passed ✅ | 40 | 42.92388506183409 | 15.664936652138612 | 0.0 | 4690 | 0 | 38.05782500000987 | 1342.833737000035 |
| /health/readiness | Passed ✅ | 40 | 42.76369572825589 | 15.437811771041506 | 0.0 | 4622 | 0 | 38.10779999997749 | 1072.7217620000147 |
| Aggregated | Passed ✅ | 40 | 43.71384527197392 | 32.64252151414726 | 0.0 | 9773 | 0 | 38.05782500000987 | 1342.833737000035 |


What's Changed
* created defaults for response["eval_count"] by gregnwosu in

New Contributors
* gregnwosu made their first contribution in

**Full Changelog**:

Load Test LiteLLM Proxy Results

| Name | Status | Median Response Time (ms) | Average Response Time (ms) | Requests/s | Failures/s | Request Count | Failure Count | Min Response Time (ms) | Max Response Time (ms) |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| /chat/completions | Passed ✅ | 41 | 45.19059934868436 | 1.5226733311145824 | 0.0 | 456 | 0 | 35.54072000000019 | 345.4370799999822 |
| /health/liveliness | Passed ✅ | 25 | 27.884267815168553 | 15.717595108676182 | 0.006678391803134133 | 4707 | 2 | 23.136004999969373 | 1308.393284000033 |
| /health/readiness | Passed ✅ | 25 | 28.57209173287544 | 15.550635313597828 | 0.0 | 4657 | 0 | 23.403158000007807 | 1314.1930079999895 |
| Aggregated | Passed ✅ | 25 | 29.014092984623147 | 32.79090375338859 | 0.006678391803134133 | 9820 | 2 | 23.136004999969373 | 1314.1930079999895 |


What's Changed
* Fix image generation pre call hook call type by ushuz in
* Update by onukura in
* [security fix - Low Severity] - disable demo accounts by ishaan-jaff in

**Full Changelog**:

Load Test LiteLLM Proxy Results

| Name | Status | Median Response Time (ms) | Average Response Time (ms) | Requests/s | Failures/s | Request Count | Failure Count | Min Response Time (ms) | Max Response Time (ms) |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| /chat/completions | Passed ✅ | 56 | 59.73776742141278 | 1.4667348414590125 | 0.0 | 439 | 0 | 50.6829270000253 | 514.3070789999911 |
| /health/liveliness | Passed ✅ | 40 | 43.96269727512022 | 15.362293396420363 | 0.0 | 4598 | 0 | 38.40477699998246 | 1272.3044690000052 |
| /health/readiness | Passed ✅ | 41 | 42.980002046983074 | 15.502618825443777 | 0.0 | 4640 | 0 | 38.25979399999824 | 1066.237890000025 |
| Aggregated | Passed ✅ | 41 | 44.207148028004966 | 32.33164706332315 | 0.0 | 9677 | 0 | 38.25979399999824 | 1272.3044690000052 |

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