Changed - Simplified invoker - Moved compute and storage classes to separate files - Deleted unnecessary files - Close plots on finish - Code refactoring about compute abstraction
Added - Pywren runtime deployment as script - Changed name of the runtime deployment script - Added 'pywren_runtime clean' option - Added function_name and runtime_memory to future's status - Added 'pywren_runtime update all' option - Added exception when preinstalled modules list is not well provided - Add package parameter to delete function
Changed - Improved sending execution statuses through rabbitmq - Improved exception management - Moved some logs to debug - Improved runtime deployment script - Changed logic order of the create_timeline_plots method
Fixed - Preventing false out-of-memory error - Fixed issue when using rabbitmq to monitor executions - Fixed issue tracking map_reduce execution with progressbar - Some other fixes
Changed - match create_timeline_plots() to rabbitmq feature
Fixed - Fixed possible issue deploying runtime - Fixed jobrunner logs - Fix in url paths - Some other fixes
Changed - Moved ibm_iam lib from tornado to requests package - Minor change create_timeline_plots()
Fixed - Map futures before reduce wont be downloaded - Fix in cf_connector - Fix in tests - private endpoint fix - Some other fixes