* NEW 46: Markus implemented node synching using rsync instead of data upload,
substantially speeding up node configuration runs. All cookbooks are now
synchronized, instead of only those needed by the configuration run
* NEW 16: Markus implemented search support for data bags
* NEW 16: Automatically add a "node" data bag, which allows for node search.
It contains everything defined in each nodes/mynode.json file, plus "recipes"
(expanded recipe list), "role" (roles in the run_list),
"roles" (expanded role list), merged attributes (from cookbook, node and roles)
and some Chef automatic attributes
* NEW: Add ipaddress attribute to a node after a configuration run. That way the IP
of that node will be available in the node data bag and thus in the node search
* NEW 53: tow added a patch that allows to override distro detection when installing
Chef Solo
* NEW 55: Markus added a library file that allows to set "chef_environment" in a
role or node attribute
* NEW: Changed "cook" command to "fix", so that we don't collide with the executable
name of an existing package. This was done so that LittleChef can be distro-packaged
* NEW 54: Multi-node execution: a list of nodes to be configured can now be given.
The nodes will be configured preserving order
* NEW: Removed "configure" command. It will be assumed to be the desired action if
no other command is given. Just typing "fix node:X" will configure node X