We are pleased to present LIVVkit v2.1.0.
LIVVkit is a python-based toolkit for verification and validation of Ice Sheet
Models. It aims to provide the following capabilities:
**Model V&V**
- Numerical verification -- "Are we solving the equations correctly?"
- Physical validation -- "Are we using the right physics?"
**Software V&V**
- Code verification -- "did we build what we wanted?"
- Performance validation -- "did we build what the users wanted?"
You can view the latest documentation [here](https://livvkit.github.io/Docs/).
This release represents significant improvements to the website, extensions infrastructure, API.
* LIVVkit can now be modified to use custom css, js, and/or image directories allowing for a custom website look
* Numpy arrays will now be serialized when saving to a JSON file automatically (via [json-tricks](http://json-tricks.readthedocs.io/en/latest/))
* NaNs can be dumped to JSON files
* JSON errors are handled appropriately
* Extensions can be launched quietly
* Optional decorator has been replaced with better exception handling
* `livv` script will now fire up a simple http server for viewing the website locally
* Full extensions modules/packages can be imported (instead of just individual scripts), and more helpful error messages are generated
* Metadata for the summary page can be personalized for each test case and the summaries no longer have to be grouped
* `livv` script now how a more general `-e/--extension` option (currently wraps `-V/--validate`)
* Extensions can include a YAML file describing additional dependencies needed, and import failures in the extension will suggest a conda command to update the dependencies
* Display elements have been added:
* VTable for tables with vertical headers
* VHTable for tables with both vertical and horizontal headers
* book element for extensions that create multiple webpages
* (raw) HTML display element
* [jquery](https://jquery.com/) and [jquery-ui](https://jqueryui.com/) are now distributed for better offline support
* [captionjs](https://captionjs.com/) and [lightbox2](http://lokeshdhakar.com/projects/lightbox2/) now make images much nicer
* Documentation now uses the python 3 theme
* Documentation now takes advantage of [sphinx-js](https://github.com/erikrose/sphinx-js) to document js docs
* Documentation has been significantly updated
* More support for OLCF machines