- Contains a small bug fix for the snowflake dataframe dtype checking (64) - Switched the private connect and disconnect to public (63). Allows for more intuitive usages outside the with context.
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- Minor bug fix for `insert_dataframe_to_table` method in the Snowflake class (60)
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- General cleanup of the code base/linting - Bumping up `pytes`t and `pytest-cov` versions - Pandas to Snowflake Support (57) - Adding support for SQLite (56) (Note: Tweak to allow for compatibility for those who are interested in usage. Not a primary use case)
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Additional functionality added with some minor clean up and fixes: - Support for `csv`, `parquet`, and `json` in snowflake copy/unload - Logging is now dependent on `loguru` - Bumping up `PyYAML>=5.1` in `requirements.txt`
Not secure
Major refactoring of code base to allow for extensibility
- **Snowflake support** has now been added - Upgrade of dependencies (boto3, PyYAML, Sphinx, etc) - Documentation updates (SQL injection, Snowflake examples) - General house keeping and cleaning up