- Fixed several outstanding encoding problems, thanks to dvarazzo. - Merged in minor pull requests (see https://github.com/getlogbook/logbook/pulls?q=is%3Aclosed)
Released on October 24th. Codename "Phoenix"
- Added preliminary RabbitMQ and CouchDB support. - Added :class:`logbook.notifiers.NotifoHandler` - `channel` is now documented to be used for filtering purposes if wanted. Previously this was an opaque string that was not intended for filtering of any kind.
Released on October 23rd. Codename "Informant"
- Added :class:`logbook.more.ColorizingStreamHandlerMixin` and :class:`logbook.more.ColorizedStderrHandler` - Deprecated :class:`logbook.RotatingFileHandlerBase` because the interface was not flexible enough. - Provided basic Python 3 compatibility. This did cause a few smaller API changes that caused minimal changes on Python 2 as well. The deprecation of the :class:`logbook.RotatingFileHandlerBase` was a result of this. - Added support for Python 2.4 - Added batch emitting support for handlers which now makes it possible to use the :class:`logbook.more.FingersCrossedHandler` with the :class:`logbook.MailHandler`. - Moved the :class:`~logbook.FingersCrossedHandler` handler into the base package. The old location stays importable for a few releases. - Added :class:`logbook.GroupHandler` that buffers records until the handler is popped. - Added :class:`logbook.more.ExternalApplicationHandler` that executes an external application for each log record emitted.
Bugfix release, Released on September 22nd.
- Fixes Python 2.5 compatibility.
Released on September 21st. Codename "Walls of Text"
- Implemented default with statement for handlers which is an alias for `threadbound`. - `applicationbound` and `threadbound` return the handler now. - Implemented channel recording on the log records. - The :class:`logbook.more.FingersCrossedHandler` now is set to `ERROR` by default and has the ability to create new loggers from a factory function. - Implemented maximum buffer size for the :class:`logbook.more.FingersCrossedHandler` as well as a lock for thread safety. - Added ability to filter for context. - Moved bubbling flags and filters to the handler object. - Moved context processors on their own stack. - Removed the `iter_context_handlers` function. - Renamed `NestedHandlerSetup` to :class:`~logbook.NestedSetup` because it can now also configure processors. - Added the :class:`logbook.Processor` class. - There is no difference between logger attached handlers and context specific handlers any more. - Added a function to redirect warnings to logbook (:func:`logbook.compat.redirected_warnings`). - Fixed and improved :class:`logbook.LoggerGroup`. - The :class:`logbook.TestHandler` now keeps the record open for further inspection. - The traceback is now removed from a log record when the record is closed. The formatted traceback is a cached property instead of a function. - Added ticketing handlers that send logs directly into a database. - Added MongoDB backend for ticketing handlers - Added a :func:`logbook.base.dispatch_record` function to dispatch records to handlers independently of a logger (uses the default record dispatching logic). - Renamed `logger_name` to `channel`. - Added a multi processing log handler (:class:`logbook.more.MultiProcessingHandler`). - Added a twitter handler. - Added a ZeroMQ handler. - Added a Growl handler. - Added a Libnotify handler. - Added a monitoring file handler. - Added a handler wrapper that moves the actual handling into a background thread. - The mail handler can now be configured to deliver each log record not more than n times in m seconds. - Added support for Python 2.5 - Added a :class:`logbook.queues.SubscriberGroup` to deal with multiple subscribers. - Added a :class:`logbook.compat.LoggingHandler` for redirecting logbook log calls to the standard library's :mod:`logging` module.