What's new?
- Fully functional Heatmap, Landscape and Sparkline views
- Sparkline view can be ordered by any cell attribute
- Use genes as X, Y and color in Landscape view
- Use genes to order Sparkline view
- Fixed annoying performance bug in Landscape view
Getting started
1. Install [Anaconda](https://www.continuum.io/downloads) for **Python 2.7** (not 3.xx).
2. Download `loom-v0.3-beta.2.zip` below and unzip it to a folder.
3. Get a dataset in .loom format (e.g. `data/cortex_5000.loom` in this Git repo).
4. Run `loom cortex_5000.loom` in your Terminal.
5. Go to `localhost:5000` in your browser.
6. Enjoy.
The Loom server starts and says something like:
Serving from: /Users/Sten/Loom
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)