
Latest version: v1.0.4

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+ Fixes issue with `spike_indicator_dataframe` where the epoch key was not being passed to get the trial time.


+ Make failure to load LFP a warning (8e4b344)
+ Change default `route_euclidean_distance_scaling` (bc19772)
+ Make default `max_distance_from_well` smaller (0512886)
+ Don't need to keep index in dataframe because pandas allows groupby in the index now (fe2664f)
+ Fix LFP timestamps (0cd9c95)
+ Use the first available tetrode as trial time (9184101)
+ Add `get_LFPs` utility function to make sure LFPs are all on the same timestamps (edd89ec)
+ Make sure LFP data is of type float (69ea5d4)
+ Interpolate position based on time between timestamps (50e06fd)
+ Rework `reshape_to_segments` to use sampling frequency to get more accurate times (976f263)
+ Be less restrictive about the default minimum distance animal has to travel to be classified as inbound/outbound (af61471)
+ Allow user to set minimum distance animal has to travel (24928cb)
+ Minor formatting


+ Add `Animal` namedtuple as a data stucture for defining information about that animal
+ Catch `TypeError` in loadmat because `scipy 1.0.0` is not throwing the usual `FileNotFoundError`
+ remove unnecessary `exit`


Label whole trajectories between wells instead of point by point.


For the epoch dataframe, we compute the exposure instead of relying on the precomputed variable in the task matlab file. This is because it is not always computed in all datasets.


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