* Added predict_sample and predict_data_loader methods to Trainer
* Added LossOptimizerHandler and LossOptimizerHandlerBase to callbacks
* Trainer must have at least one callback of type LossOptimizerHandlerBase
* Removed optimizer_step_and_zero_grad_criteria argument from Trainer, use LossOptimizerHandler callback instead
* CallbackContext now have optimizer, scheduler and train_last_loss properties for easier access
* CollectOutput arguments now must be passed explicitly
* CallbackBase will raise exception if __call__ not implemented
* Trainer have callbacks validation upon initialization, more validations will be added
* SchedulerStep scheduler_parameters_func should accept CallbackContext instead of Trainer
* Added copy_model_weights to torch_utils, (as requested, thank you for using lpd :))
* Adjusted all examples