- Reduced code complexity
- Add type hints
- Increase test coverage
- Bugfix: lpipe.sqs.delete_message_batch called boto3 incorrectly
- Breaking: sentry-sdk no longer a required dependency, install with `lpipe = {extras: ["sentry"], version: "*"}`, and enable it by setting `process_event(exception_handler=lpipe.contrib.sentry.capture)`
- Breaking: moved `lpipe.sentry` to `lpipe.contrib.sentry`
- Breaking: moved `lpipe._boto3` to `lpipe.contrib.boto3`
- Breaking: removed `lpipe.testing`, use the boto3-fixtures library instead
- Breaking: removed `lpipe.taxonomy`
- Breaking: renamed LpipeBaseException to LPBaseException (although, you shouldn't use the base class anyways)
- Breaking: renamed ServerlessLogger to LPLogger
- Breaking: renamed `lpipe.utils._repr` to `repr`
- Semi-Breaking: moved Action, Payload, and Queue classes into their own modules, but they're still imported into the top level module (i.e. `lpipe.Action` still works)
- Deprecated: moved `lpipe.utils` get_nested, set_nested to `lpipe.contrib.mindictive`, stubs still in place