* Add `--copy` parameter to copy "cmd.exe" or "powershell.exe" to C:\Windows\Temp with a random name before using them for command execution
* Add [EDRSandBlast](https://github.com/wavestone-cdt/EDRSandblast) dump method from [th3m4ks](https://twitter.com/th3m4ks) and [Qazeer](https://twitter.com/_Qazeer) technique. It will upload their executable, and the vulnerable driver to remove EDR kernel callbacks, dump lsass, and restore EDR kernel callbacks.
* Add [nanodump](https://github.com/helpsystems/nanodump) method from [s4ntiago_p](https://twitter.com/s4ntiago_p)
* Add [Rdrleakdiag technique](https://twitter.com/0gtweet/status/1299071304805560321) technique from [0gtweet](https://twitter.com/0gtweet)
* Refactor dependencies to make it easier to create new dump modules based on compiled tools
* Possibility to host tools on a SMB server and provide the share path to lsassy
* Automatic listing of dump methods and execution methods in help
* Update `comsvcs_stealth` technique using [cyb3rops](https://twitter.com/cyb3rops) [tweet info](https://twitter.com/cyb3rops/status/1469249058137067520)