The 0.2.0 release brings Pandoc integration for better conversions from LaTeX to HTML and plain text.
- Renamed ``metasrc.tex.lsstdoc.LsstDoc`` to ``metasrc.tex.lsstdoc.LsstLatexDoc``.
- Renamed ``metasrc.tex.texnormalizer`` to ``metasrc.tex.normalizer``.
- We now assign a ``NullHandler`` to metasrc's root logger.
This makes it easier for you to add your own handlers and control metasrc's logging.
- New dependencies on ``pypandoc>=1.4``, ``panflute==1.10.6``, ``aiohttp>=2.25``, and ``pybtex>=0.21``.
- New ``metasrc.pandoc`` namespace for working with Pandoc:
- ``metasrc.pandoc.convert.convert_text()`` and ``convert_lsstdoc_tex()`` wraps pypandoc's ``convert_text()`` function and provides extra conveniences, like running with the ``metasrc-deparagraph`` filter and ensuring that pandoc is installed.
- ``metasrc.pandoc.convert.ensure_pandoc()`` is a decorator that ensures Pandoc is installed before running the wrapped function.
If necessary, it uses pypandoc to install Pandoc.
- The ``metasrc-deparagraph`` CL program is a Pandoc filter, made with panflute, that removes the paragraph tags around a single paragraph of text.
This is useful when extracting single paragraphs or sentences (such as titles or authors).
- New functionality in ``metasrc.tex.lsstdoc.LsstLatexDoc`` that improves the quality of LaTeX to HTML5 conversions:
- ``LsstLatexDoc`` now lazily parses an lsstdoc LaTeX document.
Content is extracted or processed when attributes are accessed.
- ``LsstLatexDoc.read()`` class method for reading LaTeX source, normalizing it, and creating an ``LsstLatexDoc`` instance.
- New ``html_*`` and ``plain_*`` attributes with content converted to the given format.
For example, ``html_abstract`` is the abstract converted to HTML5 with Pandoc.
The regular attributes, ``title``, ``abstract``, and ``authors`` provide the original LaTeX.
- The ``LsstLatexDoc.bib_db`` attributes provides a ``pybtex.database.BibliographyData`` instance with all BibTeX bibliography referenced by the document.
- The ``html_abstract`` and ``plain_abstract`` attributes pre-process the LaTeX snippet before converting with Pandoc.
The only pre-processing step implemented so far is the citation linker, which replaces ``\cite*`` commands with hyperlinks (``\href``).
This decouples the LaTeX snippet from the BibTeX database.
- New ``metasrc.tex.lsstbib`` module:
- The ``get_bibliography()`` function Lets you get a ``pybtex.database.BibliographyData`` instance that includes BibTeX from both local BibTeX files and the common lsst-texmf BibTeX files.
``aiohttp`` (``asyncio``) lets us download lsst-texmf BibTeX files quickly from the ``master`` branch on GitHub.
- ``get_url_from_entry()`` makes it easier to get a URL to the entity described by a pybtex Entry.
Works with DocuShare handles, ``adsurl``, DOIs, and plain ``url`` fields.
- ``get_authoryear_from_entry()`` creates natbib-like in-text citations from a pybtex Entry.
For example, "Sick et al (2017)."
- New ``metasrc.tex.citelink`` module.
The ``CitationLinker`` class processes LaTeX source and replaces citation commands with hyperlinks to decouple a LaTeX snippet from a BibTeX database.
This is useful for Pandoc conversions to HTML.
These commands are currently converted:
- ``\citeds``
- ``\citedsp``
- ``\citep``
- Fixed warnings related to unintended escapes when using ``re.sub``.