
Latest version: v1.0.0

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Takeover of maintenance by LUCIT. The aim is an easy-to-install and functioning system.

* Fix 'ValueError: Length of values (2) does not match length of index (1)' [649](
* Fix 'Plotting does not work and raises an error with Bokeh' [1069](



* Fix random generation with recent NumPy.
* Fix Pandas deprecation warnings.
* Replace Bokeh 3.0 deprecations.



* New strategy performance method [`backtesting.lib.compute_stats`]( (281)
* Improve plotting speed (329) and optimization performance (295) on large datasets.
* Commission constraints now allow for market-maker's rebates.
* [`Backtest.plot`](
now returns the bokeh figure object for further processing.
* Other small bugs and fixes.



* Avoid some `pandas.Index` deprecations
* Fix `Backtest.plot(show_legend=False)` for recent Bokeh



* Faster [model-based optimization]( using scikit-optimize (154)
* Optionally faster [optimization]( by randomized grid search (154)
* _Annualized_ Return/Volatility/Sharpe/Sortino/Calmar stats (156)
* Auto close open trades on backtest finish
* Add `Backtest.plot(plot_return=)`, akin to `plot_equity=`
* Update Expectancy formula (181)



* Add [`lib.random_ohlc_data()`]( OHLC data generator
* Aggregate Equity on 'last' when plot resampling
* Update stats calculation for Buy & Hold to be long-only (152)

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