Important changes
- Added support for processing and embedding of matrix data
- `MultiHead` to allow the use of multiple head blocks to handle input data containing flat and matrix inputs
- `AbsMatrixHead` abstract class for head blocks designed to process matrix data
- `InteractionNet` a new head block to apply interaction graph-nets to objects in matrix form
- `RecurrentHead` a new head block to apply recurrent layers (RNN, LSTM, GRU) to series objects in matrix form
- `AbsConv1dHead` a new abstract class for building convolutional networks from basic blocks to apply to object in matrix form.
- Meta data:
- `FoldYielder` now checks its foldfile for a `meta_data` group which contains information about the features and inputs in the data
- `cont_feats` and `cat_feats` now no longer need to be passed to `FoldYielder` during initialisation of the foldfile contains meta data
- `add_meta_data` function added to write meta data to foldfiles and is automatically called by `df2foldfile`
- Improved usage with large datasets:
- Added`Model.evaluate_from_by` to allow batch-wise evaluation of loss
- `bulk_move` in `fold_train_ensemble` now also affects the validation fold, i.e. `bulk_move=False` no longer preloads the validation fold, and validation loss is evaluated using `Model.evaluate_from_by`
- `bulk_move` arguments added to `fold_lr_find`
- Added batch-size argument to Model predict methods to run predictions in batches
- `FoldYielder.get_df()` now returns any NaNs present in data rather than zeros unless `nan_to_num` is set to `True`
- Zero bias init for bottlenecks in `MultiBlock` body
- `__repr__` of `Model` now detail information about input variables
- Added support for processing and embedding of matrix data
- `MultiHead` to allow the use of multiple head blocks to handle input data containing flat and matrix inputs
- `AbsMatrixHead` abstract class for head blocks designed to process matrix data
- `InteractionNet` a new head block to apply interaction graph-nets to objects in matrix form
- `RecurrentHead` a new head block to apply recurrent layers (RNN, LSTM, GRU) to series objects in matrix form
- `AbsConv1dHead` a new abstract class for building convolutional networks from basic blocks to apply to object in matrix form.
- Meta data:
- `FoldYielder` now checks its foldfile for a `meta_data` group which contains information about the features and inputs in the data
- `cont_feats` and `cat_feats` now no longer need to be passed to `FoldYielder` during initialisation of the foldfile contains meta data
- `add_meta_data` function added to write meta data to foldfiles and is automatically called by `df2foldfile`
- `get_inputs` method to `BatchYielder` to return the inputs, optionally on device
- Added LSUV initialisation, implemented by `LsuvInit` callback
- `FoldYielder.get_df()` now returns any NaNs present in data rather than zeros unless `nan_to_num` is set to `True`
- Various typing fixes`
- Body and tail modules not correctly freezing
- Made `Swish` to not be inplace - seemed to cause problems sometimes
- Enforced fastprogress version; latest version renamed a parameter
- Added support to `df2foldfile` for missing `strat_key`
- Added support to `fold2foldfile` for missing features
- Zero bias init for bottlenecks in `MultiBlock` body
- Slight optimisation in `FullyConnected` when not using dense or residual networks
- `FoldYielder.set_foldfile` is now a private function `FoldYielder._set_foldfile`
- Improved usage with large datasets:
- Added`Model.evaluate_from_by` to allow batch-wise evaluation of loss
- `bulk_move` in `fold_train_ensemble` now also affects the validation fold, i.e. `bulk_move=False` no longer preloads the validation fold, and validation loss is evaluated using `Model.evaluate_from_by`
- `bulk_move` arguments added to `fold_lr_find`
- Added batch-size argument to Model predict methods to run predictions in batches
Targeting V0.4 Hypothetically Useful But Of Limited Actual Utility
Important changes
- Moved to Pandas 0.25.0
- Moved to Seaborn 0.9.0
- Moved to Scikit-learn 0.21.0
- `rf_check_feat_removal` method to check whether one of several (correlated) features can safely be ignored
- `rf_rank_features`:
- `n_max_display` to `rf_rank_features` to adjust number of features displayed in plot
- `plot_results`, `retrain_on_import_feats`, and `verbose` to control printed outputs of function
- Can now take preset RF params, rather than optimising each time
- Control over x-axis label in `plot_importance`
- `repeated_rf_rank_features`
- `get_df` function to `LRFinder`
- Ability to use dictionaries for ``
- `plot_rank_order_dendrogram`:
- added threshold param to control plotting colour and return
- returns list of paris of correlated features
- `FoldYielder`
- Method to list columns in foldfile
- option to initialise using a string or path for the foldfile
- close method to close the foldfile
- New methods to `hep_proc` focussing on vectoriesed transformations and operatins of Lorentz Vectors
- `subsample_df` to sub sample a data frame (with optional stratification and replacement)
- Callbacks during prediction:
- `on_pred_begin` and `on_pred_end` methods added to `AbsCallback` which are called during `Model.predict_array`
- `Model.predict`, `Model.predict_folds`, `Model.predict_array` now take a list of instantiated callbacks to apply during prediciton
- `Ensemble.predict`, `Ensemble.predict_folds`, `Ensemble.predict_array` now take a list of instantiated callbacks to apply during prediciton
- `ParametrisedPrediction` callback for setting a single parameterisation feature to a set value during model prediction
- y-axis limit argument to `plot_1d_partial_dependence`
- `auto_filter_on_linear_correlation`
- `auto_filter_on_mutual_dependence`
- Passing `eta` argument to `to_pt_eta_phi`: now inferred from data
- `Embedder` renamed to `CatEmbedder`
- `cat_args` and `n_cont_in` arguments in `ModelBuilder`: Use `cat_embedder` and `cont_feats` instead
- `callback_args` argument in `fold_train_ensemble`: Use `callback_partials` instead
- `binary_class_cut` renamed to `binary_class_cut_by_ams`
- `plot_dendrogram` renamed to `plot_rank_order_dendrogram`
- Remove mutable default paramert for `get_opt_rf_params`
- Missing `n_estimators` in call to `get_opt_rf_params` to `rf_rank_features`
- Added string interpretation check when loading `ModelBuilder` saved in pre-v0.3.1 versions
- `rf_rank_features` importance cut now >= threshold, was previously >
- `plot_rank_order_dendrogram` now clusters by absolute Spearman's rank correlation coeficient
- `feat_map` to `self.feat_map` in `MultiBlock.__init__`
- Bias initialisation for sigmoids in `ClassRegMulti` corrected to zero, was 0.5
- Removed uncertainties from the moments shown by `plot_feat` when plotting with weights; uncertainties were underestimated
- Improved `plot_lr_finders`
- Moved to Pandas 0.25.0
- Moved to Seaborn 0.9.0
- Moved to Scikit-learn 0.21.0
- `model_builder.get_model` now returns a 4th object, an input_mask
- Feature subsampling:
- Moved to `ModelBuilder` rather than `FeatureSubsample` callback: required to handle `MultiBlock` models
- Now allows a list of features to always be present in model via `ModelBuilder.guaranteed_feats`
- `plot_1d_partial_dependence` and `plot_2d_partial_dependence` now better handle weighted resampling of data: replacement sampling, and auto fix when `wgt_name` specified but no `sample_sz`
- `FeatureSubsample` in favour of `guaranteed_feats` and `cont_subsample_rate` in `ModelBuilder`. Will be removed in v0.6.