- added Apache 2 license, while maintaining LGPLv3+
Added -----
- support for `multi_match` query in `ElasticsearchQueryBuilder`.
Fixed -----
- SchemaAnalyzer, should count non text fields as not_analyzed - `ElasticsearchQueryBuilder`'s `field_options` parameter can accept `match_type` instead of `type` to change request type. This is now the prefered way over `type` which may more easily conflict with request parameters.
- fixed bug in `luqum.utils.LuceneTreeTransformer` when removing node - fixed bug in handling approx operator on multiple words in `luqum.elasticsearch.visitor.ElasticsearchQueryBuilder` - test coverage now check branch
Fixed -----
- On ElasticSearch query transformation, Luqum was interpreting wildcards in Phrases where as it should not