🚀 New
* Added `RA`, `DEC`, `FWHM`, `ISFSWEEP` to the `PROC` headers, `FrameData`, and `lvmops.agcam_frame`. All AG frames are now loaded to the database, not only those associated with an exposure.
* `Focuser` now uses a temperature model to estimate the initial best focus.
* Added `adjust-focus` and `focus-info` commands. If a focus sweep has been previously executed, `adjust-focus` can be used to adjust the focuser position based on the delta temperature between the bench temperature during the focus sweep and the current temperature.
✨ Improved
* Use inverse standard deviation as weights for the focus spline fit.
* `Focuser` now has an option to require the best resulting focus to be in the range of focuser positions tested or it will automatically repeat the focus sweep with a larger step size.