New features:
- Expanded systematics system. Users now declare systematics with `MadMiner.add_systematics()`, which in addition to the previous PDF and scale variations also allows normalization uncertainties. When adding samples in the `LHEReader` and `DelphesReader` functions, each sample can be linked to an arbitrary subset of systematics, giving the user a lot of flexibility.
Breaking / API changes:
- For processes with systematic uncertainties, the MadMiner file format changed in a not-backward-compatible way. Please do not use files with systematic uncertainties that were generated with MadMiner versions before v0.6.0 with the new code version (MadMiner will crash). Sorry about this.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed wrongly including the central element in the calculation of the PDF uncertainties.
- Updated and expanded tutorial on systematic uncertainties.
Internal changes:
- Some internal changes related to nuisance parameters, including the MadMiner file format.