_September 12th, 2014_
* Docker Links support (21)
* Allow for forced colored output by setting the `ANSICON` environment
variable, even if the terminal is not a tty (72)
* New `pull` command that just performs the image pull/refresh without
affecting the running containers (71). Very useful in preparation of
a rolling upgrade as it can be done with maximum parallelism
* Introduce `ship_defaults` section to provide defaults for ship
attributes like `timeout` or SSH tunnel configuration (73)
* Scaffolding for ship providers, default one is the static list of
ships but more intelligent providers can be implemented, pulling from
EC2 APIs for example
* Variable column width for container and ship name if the terminal size
allows it
* Add support for docker -dns (59)
* Add support for docker -net (41)
* Add support for specifying a distinct ship endpoint address, used to
talk to the Docker daemon (67, 70)
* Fix bug in sleep lifecycle helper (69)