
Latest version: v1.9.0

Safety actively analyzes 706267 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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* Added QA for py3.7.
* Dropped QA for py<3.5.
* Template. Default. Python<3.4 removed from tox.
* Template. Django. Python<3.4 and Django<1.8 removed from tox.
* Template. pytest. Empty init file from test directory.


+ Celebrating 1.0.
+ CLI. 'change' command now accepts multiple changes descriptions.


* Django app template is updated.
* Improved multiple app templates handling.


* Fixed work of 'change' and 'release' commands for some builtin templates.
* Improved addition of a final dot into change description..


+ Added CONTRIBUTING file.
+ Changelog entries are sorter by priorities.
+ Final dot is automatically added to change description.
+ Introduced VERSION_STR constant.
+ now reads application version number w/o module import.
* 'Work in progress' note added into readme
* PyPI downloads badges removed


* 'new' command now won't commit files if not asked for this
* Fixed crash on commit message quotes

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