
Latest version: v5.1.1

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1. Added quantized models to all Malaya models, reduce inference time by 2x and model size by 4x.
2. Retrain constituency parsing, improved accuracy slightly by ~1-2%.
3. Added vectorization interface for sentence / word level for all classification models.


1. Released constituency parsing


1. Improved spelling correction.
2. Improved normalizer.
3. Improved EN-MS translation, now support longer texts and US style texts.


1. Added translation EN to MS and MS to EN modules.
2. Added paraphrase module.
3. Added keyword extraction module.



1. BERT-Bahasa interface available.
2. Added BERT-Multilanguage, BERT-Base and BERT-small for emotion analysis.
3. Added BERT-Multilanguage, BERT-Base and BERT-small for Naming Entity Recognition.
4. Added BERT-Multilanguage, BERT-Base and BERT-small for Part-Of-Speech.
5. Added BERT-Multilanguage and BERT-Base for relevancy analysis.
6. Added BERT-Multilanguage, BERT-Base and BERT-small for sentiment analysis.
7. Added encoder interface for text similarity, can use skip-thought / BERT / XLNET as encoder model.
8. Added tree plot visualization for text similarity.
9. Added BERT-Multilanguage, BERT-Base and BERT-small for subjectivity analysis.
10. Added encoder interface for text summarization, can use skip-thought / BERT / XLNET as encoder model.
11. Added BERT / XLNET interface for topic modeling.
12. Added BERT-Multilanguage, BERT-Base and BERT-small for toxicity analysis.
13. Remove siamese models for text similarity.
14. Remove fast-text-char models, replace by BERT model.
15. Malaya no longer support training interface.
16. XLNET-Bahasa interface available.
17. Sequence models now no longer improve by Malaya, we move on using Attention model.

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