**This is a breaking release that is not backward-compatible with any comics downloaded with Mandown < 0.9.0. Migration tools for pre-0.9.0 comics are planned for in 0.9.1.**
This release rewrote operations involving comic metadata (all of them), so it may be slightly buggy!
Feature changes
**CLI & general use:** (32)
- You will notice that a `md-metadata.json` file is now placed in a comic folder on download — this is totally normal! This helps Mandown identify a previously downloaded comic so that it can use it without fetching data again.
- You will also notice that you can't convert or process folders without `md-metadata.json` — a solution is coming in 0.9.1!
**API: completely revamped!**
See the README for new examples of the new API.
- **CHANGE:** The old `BaseSource` is no longer accessible in the public API, it has been replaced with `Comic`, which is restricted to `comic.metadata` and `comic.chapters`
- **CHANGE:** `mandown.query(url,** populate, populate_sort)` is now `mandown.query(url)`, returning a `Comic` object
- Behaviour has changed so effectively `populate` is always True
- The legacy `populate_sort` to retain chapter order has been completely removed in favour of stored metadata
- **NEW:** `mandown.read(path)` will open a folder containing `md-metadata.json` and return a `Comic` object
- `process`, `convert`, and `download` have been changed that they no longer accept individual metadata and chapter arguments and now accept `Comic` objects instead
Bug fixes
- Downloaded folders renamed by Mandown no longer crash on conversion (26)
- Download paths are now sanitised (so exotic chapter names are okay!) (10)
- Less breakage and crashing overall!