
Latest version: v2.7

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Fixed KeyError reported in 11. This is a minor release but contains an urgent bug fix. Doing some investigations, it seems this error was caused by some changes in the server response, nothing too serious.


There were some arguments, like `translatedLangauge` as pointed in 8, that were incorrectly handled, this caused that the API returned a bad request, which was due to some bad parameter parsing on the code. This not only affected the `chapter_list()` function but others that had the `translatedLangauge` parameter

Some other fixes and improvements include:
* Fixed a typo where scanlation was spelt sacanlation
* Updated the relations in the manga model. This was because they were in a different place in the JSON returned by the API

That's all for this release. As always, feel free to contribute by making suggestions, pull requests or submitting issues.


This release fixes some key errors generated by the functions `get_manga_list()` and `scanlation_group_list()`. This errors were present because of some minor changes to the API response


This release introduces the following

* Account creation
* Account activation
* Resend activation code
* Recover account
* Complete account recover

Also, there was some bug fixing and typos as well as completed the typed hints


In this release, there were some major changes in the code (code refractor mostly).

The things that changed in this new release are:

* The request to the mangadex api are handled in a different class called `URLRequest`
* The `fetch_cover_image` and `fetch_chapter_images` are now methods of the `CoverArt` and `Chapter` classes
* Changed the functions to create Objects on the api to static methods of their respective Object models. For example, the method to create a manga given a response was : `api._create_manga()`, now it is a `staticmethod` of the `Manga` Class.
* Modified some of the `__repr__` methods in some classes to not show all the info (like the `data` attribute of chapter), and to show some other things that were missing (mostly the relationships with other Objects)


The changes in this release are:
* Added relationships to the manga and cover art models.This is for the propouse of not nhavin to know a manga and a cover art and reference each other
* Completed cover arts methods and documentation
* Bug fixing

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