
Latest version: v3.0.0b15

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See 175 for all changes

Install with `pip install man-skill2==0.6.0.dev2`

main changes are integrating SAPIEN 3 (lots of new features and nicer GUI), more visual variety in table top tasks, and experimental scene code for loading e.g. AI2THOR House scenes


**Full Changelog**:


What Changed
* Fix soft body env demo download links

**Full Changelog**:


What's Changed
* Colab updates and minor bug with fix with ManiSkill2 custom env registration by StoneT2000 in
* Fix demo downloads and auto unzip

**Full Changelog**:


ManiSkill2 Release Notes

This update migrates ManiSkill2 over to using the new gymnasium package along with a number of other changes.

Breaking Changes
- `env.render` now accepts no arguments. The old render functions are separated out as other functions and `env.render` calls them and chooses which one based on the `env.render_mode` attribute (set usually upon env creation).
- `env.step` returns `observation, reward, terminated, truncated, info`. See for details. For ManiSkill2, the old done signal is now called terminated and truncated is False. All environments by default have a 200 max episode steps so truncated=True after 200 steps.
- `env.reset` returns a tuple `observation, info`. For ManiSkill2, info is always an empty dictionary. Moreover, `env.reset` accepts two new keyword arguments: `seed: int, options: dict | None`. Note that `options` is usually used to configure various random settings/numbers of an environment. Previously ManiSkill2 used to use custom keyword arguments such as `reconfigure`. These keyword arguments are still usable but must be passed through an options dict e.g. `env.reset(options=dict(reconfigure=True))`.
- `env.seed` has now been removed in favor of using `env.reset(seed=val)` per the Gymnasium API.
- ManiSkill VectorEnv is now also modified to adhere to the [Gymnasium Vector Env API]( Note this means that `vec_env.observation_space` and `vec_env.action_space` are batched under the new API, and the individual environment spaces are defined as `vec_env.single_observation_space` and `vec_env.single_action_space`
- All reward functions have been changed to be scaled to the range of [0, 1], generally making any value-learning kind of approach more stable and avoiding gradient explosions. On any environment a reward of 1 indicates success as well and is also indicated by the boolean stored in `info["success"]`. The scaled dense rewards are the new default reward function and is called `normalized_dense`. To use the old <0.5.0 ManiSkill2 dense rewards, set `reward_mode` to `dense`.

New Additions
- Environment code come with separated render functions representing the old render modes. There is now `env.render_human` for creating a interactive GUI and viewer, `env.render_rgb_array` for generating RGB images of the current env from a 3rd person perspective, and `env.render_cameras` which renders all the cameras (including rgb, depth, segmentation if available) and compacts them into one rgb image that is returned. Note that human and rgb_array are used **only** for visualization purposes. They may include artifacts like indicators of where the goal is for visualization purposes, see PickCube-v0 or PandaAvoidObstacles-v0 for examples. cameras mode is reflective of what the actual visual observations are returned by calls to `env.reset` and `env.step`.
- The ManiSkill2 VecEnv creator function `make_vec_env` now accepts a ` max_episode_steps` argument which overrides the default ` max_episode_steps` specified when registering the environment. The default ` max_episode_steps` is 200 for all environments, but note it may be more efficient for RL training and evaluation to use a smaller value as shown in the RL tutorials.

- Demonstration data has moved completely to hugging face, which offers a more stable file storage platform than google drive.

- All tutorials have been updated to reflect new gym API, new stable baselines 3, and should be more stable on google colab
Not Code
- New document has been added, with details on how to locally develop on ManiSkill2 and test it

Bug Fixes
- Closes 124 with using the newest version of Sapien, 2.2.2.
- Closes 119 via 123 where scalar values returned by the state part of a dictionary would cause errors.
- Fixes a compatability bug with Gymnasium AsyncVectorEnv where Gymnasium also could not handle scalar values as it expects shape (1, ), not shape (). This is done by modifying environments to instead of returning floats for certain scalar observation values to return numpy array versions of them. So far only affected TurnFaucet-v0. Partially closes 125 where TurnFaucet-v0 had non-deterministic rewards due to computing rewards based on unseeded sampled points from various meshes.

Miscellaneous Changes
- Dockerfile now accepts a python version as an argument
- README and documentation updated to reflect new gym API
- `mani_skill2.examples.demo_vec_env` module now accepts a `--vecenv-type` argument which can be either `ms2` or `gym` and defaults to `ms2`. Lets users benchmark the speed difference themselves. Module was further cleaned to print more nicely
- Various example scripts that have `main` functions now accept an `args` argument and allow for using those scripts from within python and not just the CLI. Used for testing purposes.
- Fix some lack of quietness on some example scripts
- Replaying trajectories accepts a new `--count` argument that lets you specify how many trajectories to replay. There is no data shuffling so the replayed trajectories will always be the same and in the same order. By default this is `None` meaning all trajectories are replayed.

What's Changed
* Fix docker building instructions by xuanlinli17 in
* Fix colab crash issue by automatically adding nvidia json files by StoneT2000 in
* Fix 85 by StoneT2000 in
* [BC] Add base_pose and tcp_pose in MS1 envs' observations by xuanlinli17 in
* Fix softbody installation instructions in by xuanlinli17 in
* 0.5.0 by StoneT2000 in
* update versions to 0.5.0 and fix docs with downgrade of sphinx by StoneT2000 in
* Fix bug with demo random action not creating a video at the end. by StoneT2000 in
* minor fix in quickstart doc by xuanlinli17 in

**Full Changelog**:


* Fix the order of keys of observation spaces. If you previously relied on the order of keys (e.g., stacking dict observations into a flat array), this fix might affect your codes.

What's Changed
* Update the section to add static scenes by Jiayuan-Gu in
* Update requirements.txt to deal with AttributeError by Mayankm96 in
* Update readme to add discord symbol by xuanlinli17 in
* Fix tutorial installation by StoneT2000 in
* Improve README and doc by Jiayuan-Gu in
* Add details and examples on leveraging segmentations by xuanlinli17 in

New Contributors
* Mayankm96 made their first contribution in

**Full Changelog**:

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