- Added the `--hide-info-window` option to `manim-slides present`.
- Added the `manim-slides render` command
to render slides using correct Manim installation.
- Added the `playback-rate` and `reversed-playback-rate` options
to slide config.
- Added the speaker notes option.
- Added `auto` option for conversion format, which is the default.
This is somewhat a **breaking change**, but changes to the CLI
API are not considered to be very important.
- Added `return_animation` option to slide animations `self.wipe`
and `self.zoom`.
- Created a Docker image, published on GitHub.
- Added `:template:` and `:config_options` options to
the Sphinx directive.
- Modified the internal logic to simplify adding configuration options.
- Remove `reversed` file assets when exporting to HTML, as it was not used.
- Removed subrocess calls to FFmpeg with direct `libav` bindings using
the `av` Python module. This should enhance rendering speed and security.
- Changed build backend to PDM and reflected on docs.
- Dropped Python 3.8 support.
- Made Qt backend optional and support PyQt6 too.
- Documentated how to create and use a custom HTML template.
Prior to v5, there was no real CHANGELOG other than the GitHub releases,
with most of the content automatically generated by GitHub from merged
pull requests.
In an effort to better document changes, this CHANGELOG document is now created.
- Added the following option aliases to `manim-slides present`:
`-F` and `--full-screen` for `fullscreen`,
`-H` for `--hide-mouse`,
and `-S` for `--screen-number`.
- Added a full screen key binding (defaults to <kbd>F</kbd>) in the
- Added support for including code from a file in Manim Slides
Sphinx directive.
- Added the `manim_slides.slide.animation` module and created the
`Wipe` and `Zoom` classes, that return a new animation.
- Added two environ variables, `MANIM_API` and `FORCE_MANIM_API`,
to specify the `MANIM_API` to be used: `manim` and `manimce` will
import `manim`, while `manimgl` and `manimlib` will import `manimlib`.
If one of the two APIs is already imported, use `FORCE_MANIM_API=1` to
override this.
- Added a working `ThreeDSlide` class compatible with `manimlib`.
- Added `loop` option to `Slide`'s `next_slide` method.
Calling `next_slide` will never fail anymore.
- Added `Slide.next_section` for compatibility with `manim`'s
`Scene.next_section` method.
- Added `--next-terminates-loop` option to `manim-slides present` for turn a
looping slide into a normal one, so that it ends nicely. This is useful to
have a smooth transition with the next slide.
- Added `--playback-rate` option to `manim-slides present` for testing purposes.
- Added `auto_next` option to `Slide`'s `next_slide` method to automatically
play the next slide upon terminating. Supported by `present` and
`convert --to=html` commands.
- Automatically concatenate all animations from a slide into one.
This is a **breaking change** because the config file format is
different from the previous one. For migration help, see associated PR.
- Changed the player interface to only use PySide6, and not a combination of
PySide6 and OpenCV. A few features have been removed (see removed section),
but the new player should be much easier to maintain and more performant,
than its predecessor.
- Changed the slide config format to exclude unnecessary information.
`StypeType` is removed in favor to one boolean `loop` field. This is
a **breaking change** and one should re-render the slides to apply changes.
- Renamed key bindings in the config. This is a **breaking change** and one
should either manually rename them (see list below) or re-init a config.
List of changes: `CONTINUE` to `NEXT`, `BACK` to `PREVIOUS`, and
- Conversion to HTML now uses Jinja2 templating. The template file has
been modified accordingly, and old templates will not work anymore.
This is a **breaking change**.
- Bumped RevealJS' default version to v4.6.1, and added three new themes.
- Changed the logger such that `make_logger` is called at module import,
and we do not use Manim's logger anymore.
- Changed `Slide.wipe` and `Slide.zoom` to automatically call `self.play`.
This is a **breaking change** as calling `self.play(self.wipe(...))` now
raises an error (because `None` is not an animation).
- Changed the `manim_slides.slide` module to contain submodules, i.e.,
`slide.manim`, `slide.manimlib`, `slide.animation`.
Only `slide.animation` is part of the public API.
Rules for choosing the Manim API (either `manim` or `manimlib`) has changed,
and defaults to the currently imported module, with a preference for `manim`.
- Patched enums in `manim_slides/convert.py` to correctly call `str`'s
`__str__` method, and not the `Enum` one.
This bug was discovered by
[alexanderskulikov](https://github.com/alexanderskulikov) in
[253](https://github.com/jeertmans/manim-slides/discussions/253), caused by
Python 3.11's change in how `Enum` work.
- Fixed potential non-existing parent path issue in
`manim convert`'s destination path.
- Removed `--start-at-animation-number` option from `manim-slides present`.
- Removed the following options from `manim-slides present`:
`--resolution`, `--record-to`, `--resize-mode`, and `--background-color`.
- Removed `PERF` verbosity level because not used anymore.
- Remove `Slide`'s method `start_loop` and `self.end_loop`
in favor to `self.next_slide(loop=True)`.
This is a **breaking change**.
<!-- end changelog -->